View Full Version : Still having major monitor problems

Brian Duke
December 7th, 2005, 10:31 PM
I really need a monitor for my editing in HDV, but first choise was the panasonic BT-LH1700W HD/SD LCD Monitor, but the problem is that LCD is not accurate colors.

So my next choice was a CRT VC DT-V1910CG Hi-Res/HD Monitor, but I was told that JVC does not make true CRT and they have a coding on the screen that does not show accurate colors.

Now I am told that Sony is really the only true CRT because of the Smpte, but they don't make CRT anymore.

What do I need to get to get an accurate HDTV monitor so I can color correct and also make any other color changes and eventually transfer to film.

Anyone? I have had this problem for 6 weeks now and i REALLY need a monitor ASAP.

Andrew Kimery
December 7th, 2005, 10:36 PM
Here is an HD Sony CRT.*&bhs=t&shs=d20f1u&image.x=0&image.y=0


Brian Duke
December 7th, 2005, 10:45 PM
Here is an HD Sony CRT.*&bhs=t&shs=d20f1u&image.x=0&image.y=0


DOH!!! $12K WOW... =)

Steve House
December 8th, 2005, 11:55 AM
I really need a monitor for my editing in HDV, but first choise was the panasonic BT-LH1700W HD/SD LCD Monitor, but the problem is that LCD is not accurate colors.

So my next choice was a CRT VC DT-V1910CG Hi-Res/HD Monitor, but I was told that JVC does not make true CRT and they have a coding on the screen that does not show accurate colors.

Now I am told that Sony is really the only true CRT because of the Smpte, but they don't make CRT anymore.

What do I need to get to get an accurate HDTV monitor so I can color correct and also make any other color changes and eventually transfer to film.

Anyone? I have had this problem for 6 weeks now and i REALLY need a monitor ASAP.

Correcting on a CRT is much more important in SD than it is in HD, believe it or not.

Take another look at the specs on the JVC monitors. They claim they use SMPTE/EBU colourimetry. They are true CRTs, contrary to what you say you were told, but it's true that they may not use the same phosphors as the Sonys. But for all practical purposes I'm not sure how much difference that really will make. Remember too that 99.99% of people viewing HD video will be using LCD or Plasma monitors, not CRTs. If you're transfering to film, I would think the transfer should be calibrated anyway if you provide a colour reference.

Brian Duke
December 8th, 2005, 01:04 PM
To be honest, I am thinking abiout just getting a lcd for field and strudio and if I ever transfer to film I will go and get it color corrected somewhere professional.

What's you think of the panasonic HDV 17"?

Steve House
December 8th, 2005, 03:15 PM
To be honest, I am thinking abiout just getting a lcd for field and strudio and if I ever transfer to film I will go and get it color corrected somewhere professional.

What's you think of the panasonic HDV 17"?

Couldn't say. But "LCD" does NOT mean "non-professional." I understand the majority of HD is being previewed and colour corrected on LCD panels and CRTs are being phased out even at the studio and network level. So you may find that a good LCD will be fine for colour correction without the need for shipping the project out. The Sony LUMA series is very highly regarded series of LCD broadcast monitors as is the slightly older Sony 234/B screen. For economy a number of people are reporting good results with the Dell 2405 FPW. One thing to keep in mind though, is that while good LCDs are acceptable for HD preview and colour correction, plasma screens are less so because they tend to change in contrast and colour rendition with age.

Glenn Chan
December 8th, 2005, 05:08 PM
So my next choice was a CRT VC DT-V1910CG Hi-Res/HD Monitor, but I was told that JVC does not make true CRT and they have a coding on the screen that does not show accurate colors.
That might just be information... what's the difference between a "true" CRT and a "fake" CRT?

Now there may be quality and design differences between different brands and price points, but I doubt that JVC is really inferior to Sony monitors at the same price points (well JVC is generally cheaper, so it's kind of hard to compare... presumably Sony is better if you assume that more expensive is better).

Now I am told that Sony is really the only true CRT because of the Smpte, but they don't make CRT anymore.
Sony still makes CRTs.
The BVM series is their highest-end monitors... they go up to like $65k.
They have the PVM series, which is more reasonably priced. You can get them with SMPTE C or EBU phosphors. Some have P22 phosphors, which are not the standard (and may vary from batch to batch according to Sony literature).

Ikegami, Panasonic also make monitors with SMPTE C phosphors. JVC used to but no longer does I believe.

EBU is for Europe/PAL, SMPTE C is for North America/US. For HD, the phosphors are supposed to conform to the 709 standard, which is a compromise between EBU and SMPTE. I do not believe any manufacturer currently makes monitors with 709 phosphors.

I understand the majority of HD is being previewed and colour corrected on LCD panels and CRTs are being phased out even at the studio and network level.
For work like feature films, commercials: I believe the majority of work is being graded on high-end CRTs like the Sony BVM series. From reading the TIG, it seems like LCDs have a poor reputation and that people are still sticking with CRTs.

eCinemasys is coming out with an interesting LCD that's geared towards being a "reference-grade" LCD. It tries to squeeze the most out of a LCD panel that's possible.

The guy who designed it, Martin Euredjian, bashes competing Sony products in this thread:

And from the previous post:
I was at a Sony presentation on monitors last week, where they were pushing
the LMD series of LCD displays.

The question was asked more than once and the answer was categorical from
the product manager. For critical applications the BVM CRT range is needed,
and this is still in production.

Boyd Ostroff
December 8th, 2005, 05:25 PM
Sony still makes CRTs.

Interestingly, as part of their restructuring plan announced on September 22 it was reported that Sony is phasing out production of CRT monitors. Exactly how this will impact their broadcast monitors seems unclear at this point...

Glenn Chan
December 8th, 2005, 05:45 PM
On the flip side, it may not be really worth that much to spend a lot of money on a HD monitor.

A- NTSC = never twice the same color. In practice, there will be huge variation in what the audience sees so a little color inaccuracy won't make a difference.

B- Even if high-end places, their setup may not be all that accurate. I've seen places with $100k+ in equipment and they don't do simple things right, like avoiding the use of incandescent lighting, or not grading in darkness, or avoiding reflections of lights on the monitor.