View Full Version : Free Stock Footage?

Scott Silverman
December 18th, 2002, 11:39 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew of any web sites with short amounts of free stock footage. All I need is about 5 seconds of the sun rising (not time elapsed, just a shot of the sun) and it seems silly for me to buy a whole CD or pay for a download just for 5 second of video. I can't shoot it my self because of my location. I would like it over some moutains, trees, or an ocean etc., anything but a city or a bunch of houses (where I live). If anyone knows of a site like this that would be great! I did a search both on Google and on this forum and found nothing. If possible, I prefer avi format.


Ken Tanaka
December 19th, 2002, 12:31 AM
There are scads of places that sell such footage but I don't know of anyplace that gives it away for free. Maybe someone here can shoot it for you and send you a cd?

Andrew Leigh
December 19th, 2002, 12:52 AM
Hi Scott,

I am sure that I have footage that will do the job for you, will have to find the clips first. All the clips would have been shot in the Kruger National Park, and many with good mountainous background. Sunsets have I a plenty.

How urgently do you need them?
I could probably scratch them out this weekend if that urgent.

Don't want money, just enjoy.

They would have been shot on a PAL XL-1. Tell me what format would be best for you, would an avi file work.

Cheers Andrew

Andrew Leigh
December 19th, 2002, 01:02 AM

send me you e-mail address, mine is

and I will send you a frame grab of the intended clip to see if we are on the right track.

I remember having recently taken a couple of frame grabs to use as wallpaper. They are about 1,2Meg each.
