View Full Version : What does the PAL Version with 60i have?

Bob Grant
December 7th, 2005, 03:17 PM
Somewhat confused down here. Having checked the literature it seems the NTSC version has 60i, 30p and 24p. The PAL version has 25p and 50i. One can have an extra card retro fitted to the PAL version to give only 60i, 50i and 25p. What happens to the NTSC version if it's PALed? Can it be done? Seems there's only a 3 position switch to make the selection, in other words one cannot end up with 60i,50i,30p, 25p and 24p in the one camera, guess it's one way to sell more cameras!

Chris Hurd
December 7th, 2005, 03:49 PM
The upgraded PAL adds 60i, 30F and 24F.

The upgraded NTSC adds 50i and 25F.

The upgrade adds a new item to the Recording Setup menu, appearing as a choice of 50i or 60i.

Shooting in 50i means that the three Frame Rate toggle selections are:

(I) 50i
(F1) 25F
(F2) 25F

Shooting in 60i means that the three Frame Rate toggle selections are:

(I) 60i
(F1) 30F
(F2) 24F

So yes you do end up with 60i, 50i, 30p, 25p and 24p in the one camera.

Hope this helps,