Craig Bellaire
December 7th, 2005, 01:39 PM
Ok I was just wondering if anyone thinks a Nikon D Focusing Screen would either help the letus as for as GG, not look so soft or help with the jiggies or artifacts with the moving GG. As for as my camera the PDX 10, I have to turn the sharpness down a bit and open the Iris to get ride of these. It's not bad... Maybe for the $29.95 that B&H has them for it would be a great improvement.. any thoughts
Wayne Kinney
December 7th, 2005, 01:59 PM
Am I correct in saying the Nikon D screen as a built in PCX mounted? This would cause a problem unless it can be taken off?
Bryan Ramirez
December 7th, 2005, 02:15 PM
Craig It would actually help and work more like the static atapter posted here.
And if it was moving it would be even better.
Craig Bellaire
December 8th, 2005, 11:48 AM
that makes more since... thanks
Ben Winter
December 8th, 2005, 12:41 PM
I worked with the Nikon D Screen, and prior to throwing it away after I scratched it up too much, I took it apart. Turns out the focusing screen is sandwiched next to the PCX lens inside the metal frame, held in by four brackets screwed to the sides. Undo the screws, and the focusing screen comes apart from the lens, which is a different piece of glass. from my measurements the Nikon D Screen was too small for the opening in the letus, but only by about half a mm in either direction. i could definately see hot glue fixing that problem. So yes, I have a feeling using the focusing screen of the Nikon D would greatly improve things on the Letus, and now that you've mentioned that I might attempt it in the future. I tried mounting the whole metal assembly to the Letus, but it was too heavy and didn't vibrate fast enough.
Craig Bellaire
December 8th, 2005, 01:33 PM
that's great news.... even if it was scratched it should work...