Mike Cook
December 3rd, 2005, 07:31 PM
Very contemporary couple. They wanted something "non-mushy" and upbeat. The footage was very limited since the whole deal went FAST! 6 minute ceremony....just barely had time to set up!
It's the "short highlights clip". I am interested in feedback on this one since it is a little out of the norm. Once again, your time and interest is appreciated!
Bob Costa
December 4th, 2005, 08:05 AM
Nice job. Just a couple of comments:
Near the beginning when you have couple on dock walking fast, then slow, it would have been cool if you could get them stepping to the beat, since you are messing with the speed anyway.
The two zoom-outs at the end are distracting IMHO. Either get rid of one of them, or blend them to gether somehow so that you start zoomed in on dance floor and transition thru to zooming out on the boat.
Eugene Bare
December 4th, 2005, 09:16 AM
I thought is was GREAT. If they dont love it they are unpleaseable. It made wish I was invited.
Paul Gallagher
December 4th, 2005, 12:07 PM
I thought the first one was like a comedy show and thought I would not like to have been handed that as my "Wedding Highlights" so to speak, but when i watched the next one both of them comment on how much they like comedy and are really up for a laugh so it fitted their requirements perfect, at the end of the days its for the happy couple and they should be over the moon with that theme as its in their own taste.
Good job.
Mike Cook
December 4th, 2005, 01:48 PM
Yeah that was the whole deal. They were very insistant on something non traditional and without "the sappy stuff". The whole game here was to build around their vision. They were happy with it.
It was a little difficult with the limited footage.
Paul Gallagher
December 5th, 2005, 03:00 AM
Yeah that was the whole deal. They were very insistant on something non traditional and without "the sappy stuff". The whole game here was to build around their vision. They were happy with it.
It was a little difficult with the limited footage.
Like I said when you watch the other ones you get to know they are that kind of couple that want something different and it works well with what they wanted. Good job.
I personally liked the night time shots outside with the lights, and nice end with a distant view of the boat at night.
Ben Lynn
December 5th, 2005, 01:26 PM
Ever thought about using more than one song in the highlights? Just an idea for you...
Ben Lynn