View Full Version : Triple and Quad Monitor set up - Need help!

Eric James
December 3rd, 2005, 01:42 AM
Hey Guys,
Alright so I searched and searched (here and elsewhere) for info on what I was trying to do. Let me explain what I want to do:

Edit with 2 monitors and use cinema desktop on a 3rd. Basically enabling me to have an output monitor for HD. Kinda like how we all use to edit DV back out firewire.

So I went ahead and purchased an ATI Radeon 9200 Mac edition. It has 128 of DDR vram. I thought this would be plenty fast enough for what I was trying to do.

Well I installed it today and it functions alright for most things but with video it is just not up to par. When playing a 720p movie trailer it can only do about 10 fps. Inside of final cut it is the same story. The 2 monitors on my main card work fine.. BUT try to play anything on the 3rd monitor and the frame rate goes way down.

I'm wondering if anyone has a working set-up for what I'm talking about. Also, if not what can I do? Is this card just not good enough? What card would work?

Thanks in advance,
Eric James

Nate Schmidt
December 3rd, 2005, 05:10 PM
Eric I've never tried more than two monitors, so I'm not sure if my suggestion is even possible, but can you use one monitor from your main card, and one from your second card to edit and use the other monitor on your main card for cinema desktop???

Boyd Ostroff
December 3rd, 2005, 06:30 PM
I think the issue is that PCI graphics cards don't have the needed throughput, which is why FCP specs say that you must have an AGP graphics card (although the newest Macs have PCIE cards).

Also be aware that plugging in a second monitor to the primary graphics card will split your VRAM in half. I haven't found this to be an issue in FCP, but programs that are heavily dependent on the card (like Motion) may suffer.

If you want to use digital cinema desktop, perhaps the best solution is to get the biggest monitor you can afford for the main screen, and then you won't feel as much need for a third monitor.