View Full Version : The Grey Cup in HD: an Audio Disaster

J. Stephen McDonald
November 30th, 2005, 04:59 PM
They covered the Canadian pro football championship game last night, in high-definition for the first time, on InHD. The camera work was mostly alright, with certain scene-framing glitches. But, the audio was beyond being just bad. The background noise was too high and drowned-out the commentators, so they could be barely heard. The on-field mikes were loud, and selected grunts, curses, threats, etc. of the players came through better than anything else. Often, overhead suspended field mikes showed clearly in the picture. Several times, closeups were given of the ball on long passes with no players visible until the last instant, when it came to the ground.
There were times when remarks of the commentators made me wonder if they'd ever played or been serious followers of the game.

I didn't see the production credits, so I don't know who worked on the game.
I assume they have regular TV coverage of the CFL games, so the flaws last night are hard to explain. I hope I'm not insulting any of our members and friends. However, we have a local, unpaid 3-camera crew, that does a better job on high-school games, on the public-access channel.

The quality of play on the field was very high, with amazing pin-point passes and catches. In double overtime, the outcome was uncertain until the final play. I haven't seen any NFL games this year that were as good.

Dylan Couper
December 1st, 2005, 04:32 PM
The quality of play on the field was very high, with amazing pin-point passes and catches. In double overtime, the outcome was uncertain until the final play. I haven't seen any NFL games this year that were as good.

I'll agree with you there. The second half through overtime was possibly the best football game (CFL or NFL) I've seen in... not sure, but a while!

Honestly, I didn't really notice any of the tenical problems, but on the other hand I was too busy watching the game, and usually don't pay much attention to commentators.

Jeff Miller
December 8th, 2005, 03:17 PM
Must've blown the budget on all those big cameras, tsk tsk. Hopefully someone thought "how could it have turned out bad? We used HD!"