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Paul Sedillo
December 17th, 2002, 08:47 AM
I am curious what it takes to do deposition (video) work. Having talked with several people, the running comment is that you need to have time code on the tape. From what I understand, Panasonic makes a rig that is built for this type of work. Would the XL1s be able to handle this type of work?

Bob Zimmerman
December 20th, 2002, 12:05 AM

Ken Tanaka
December 20th, 2002, 12:31 AM
From a lawyer's point of view:

Paul Sedillo
December 21st, 2002, 12:03 PM

Thanks for the link. Will give it a look.

Paul Tauger
January 8th, 2003, 06:51 AM
Okay, folks, I took a look at the link and, while some of it is accurate, a lot of it is, frankly, bizarre. Sorry this is so long, but so was the website.

My background: I'm a litigation attorney with 10 years experience, employed as a senior litigator by a major international law firm. I am also an advanced amateur videographer (I do travel videos). I've lost track of the number of depositions I've conducted, but they're in the hundreds. Approximately half of them were videotaped. I do intellectual property litigation -- copyright, trademark and patent infringement actions. Though deposition procedures and techniques should be the same, whether it is expensive and complicated litigation like I do, or more straightforward personal injury or family law matters, the stakes tend to be higher for the cases I work on, the fees and costs tend to be MUCH higher, and the caliber of lawyers I work with and against tends to be quite different than a sole-practioner PI. I really can't speak for what a PI lawyer might prefer at a deposition, but what I describe here is definitely representative of big-firm practice.

Here are a couple of points:

1. Depositions are almost always taken for only two reasons: to discover information relevant to the litigation and/or to preserve testimony for trial. It is usually the latter type of deposition that is taped.

2. Deposition testimony is presented at trial in one of three ways: a lawyer can read the transcript to the jury, reading both the questions and answers (boring!), two lawyers can "play act," one in the witness box reading the answers and the other at the podium reading the questions (only slightly less boring unless the lawyers have had acting training -- as it happens, I have, but most haven't). The best way to present deposition testimony at trial, in my not-very-humble opinion, is by video -- jurors (and judges) are used to watching television, prefer to watch television and if, as sometimes happens, the lawyer gets lucky at the deposition, the witness' reactions to specific questions are far more compelling than the actual answers given. As an example, I once got an expert witness to admit at a deposition that he had committed perjury in a declaration he had previously filed with the court. When I finally pulled the admission out of him, he turned bright red, couldn't look me in the eyes, and with a look of absolute humiliation on his face, admitted what he had done. And, happily for me and my client, I had taped this deposition and had his whole performance on camera (we won the case -- no surprise).

3. With all this in mind, THIS is what's important about a video deposition: the witness must be seen, clearly and without distraction, and the lawyers and the witness must be heard clearly, without distortion. That's all. Here's what I require from the videographers that I hire (and I work with videographers from all over the country in a variety of jurisidictions):

a. Simple backgrounds only!!!!! NO law books. NO paintings. Either a neutral gray backdrop, or a simple "textured" backdrop. No white walls (they can bloom on poorly calibrated court room monitors). Most of the videographers I work with bring a backdrop roughly 4' x 6' which is on a spring metal frame, and can fold/coil up into a small bag. They open the bag, the backdrop pops out, and they lean it on the wall in back of the witness. Sometimes they'll bring a conventional backdrop and stands, but these can be cumbersome.

b. No lighting, ever!!!! I don't care if it makes the shot look better -- I want the witness to forget that he is being taped (this is true whether I am taking or defending the deposition). I want the witness relaxed, comfortable and speaking and acting normally. This means no lights in their eyes, no excess of production equipment, etc. As videographers, feel free to advise the lawyer (the one who hired you!) if there are problems with shadows or reflections -- these can generally be resolved during the setup by switching seats, etc. If the witness looks green because of the flourescent lighting, adjust white balance to correct it.

c. No camera movement of any kind (with one exception): The videographer is preparing a court record, not an artistically-lensed documentary interview. Frame the shot so the witness' face and upper body is visible. I like to include the witness' hands, as nervousness will often express itself through hand movements. Lock in the camera on the tripod. Then don't move! Don't zoom in on the face at dramatic moments. Don't focus on the hands. Don't shoot the other attorneys. Do adjust as necessary if the tripod slips, or the witness makes a dramatic change in position. However, if the witness starts slumping, don't pan down -- I WANT the jury to see the witness' loss of confidence as the deposition progresses. If the witness starts leaning to the right, or shifting around uncomfortably, don't correct for it, let the witness lean to the right of the frame, or sway back and forth -- I WANT the jury to see the witness' discomfort.

Remember, a witness' testimony at deposition is EXACTLY the same as testifying in a court room before the jury -- the only difference is there is no judge present to resolve disputes; the court reporter is the judge surrogate, and will ensure, along with the videographer, that an accurate record is made so that a judge may later resolve any objections, evidentiary disputes, etc.

I always check the videographer's monitor at the start of the deposition, and then periodically during the deposition. Not all lawyers do, but expect the experienced ones to do this.

Now, for the exception to no camera movement:

Occasionally I will hand a witness a physical exhibit (that's lawyerese for a "thing") and ask the witness to explain what it is, how it works, etc. At that point I will say, "Mr./Ms. videographer, could you please zoom in on Exhibt 4 so that we may see what Mr. Witness is indicating." THEN do so -- I'll watch your monitor to make sure I'm happy with the framing. At this point, you do become more of a documentary film maker. You need to listen to the testimony and make sure what you're shooting is what is being described, i.e. if the witness says, "The inverter ring is this thing here, and it slips around the actuator assembly like this," make sure you're shooting the inverter ring, and the shot is framed so that it shows it slipping over the actuator assembly. If you missed it, or even think you missed, feel free to say, "I'm sorry, I think I missed Mr. Witness' explanation" -- I'd rather have the interruption than lose this kind of critical demonstrative testimony.

After the witness is through working with the physical exhibit, I'll say, "Thank you, Mr./Ms. Videographer, we can resume as we were." And the videographer should go back to the previous shot.

From time to time, lawyers will get into disputes during depositions. I'm pretty mellow when I take a deposition (it's calculated -- I like to relax the witness so they'll say things they don't intend). However, not all lawyers work this way. I've had instances in which depositions turn positively ugly. And I've once had a lawyer instruct HIS videographer, "Turn the camera on Mr. Tauger. I want you to videotape Mr. Tauger." And the videographer did. Now, in that particular instance, I let it go -- I was happy to have a video document of the other lawyer's shenanigans, and he was deposing my witness, so I didn't care if the testimony was invalidated. However, I will move to strike ANY video deposition that tapes anything other than the witness (there are a couple of rules of evidence that support this). Of course, the bottom line for the videographer should always be this: do what you're told by the lawyer who is paying your bills.

d. Everybody gets a mike. Who may be present at a deposition is limited by law: parties (and officers of corporate parties), their counsel, their counsel's staff, the court reporter, the videographer, translators and, of course, the witness -- that's the lot. Many videographers only mike those expected to speak, i.e. the lawyers and the witness. I REQUIRE that anyone present (except the court reporter) be miked. This means, at least, a pressure zone mike on the table, as well as lavaliers for the attorneys and witness. However, I'm happier if everyone has a lavalier; I've had instances where adverse parties were talking among themselves and disturbing the witness -- this should have been caught on the record, but the pzm mike didn't get it. This can sometimes mean an awful lot of mikes, as well as a large mixer, if there are multiple parties, the depo is translated, etc. I always tell my videographer when there will be an unusual situation like this, but it's a good idea to ask.

Hint: buy cheap lavaliers. Witnesses and inexperienced lawyers have a nasty habit of forgetting they're wearing one, and getting up and walking away from the table, destroying the mike in the process.

[continued in next post]

Paul Tauger
January 8th, 2003, 06:52 AM
[continued from previous post]

4. About equipment: Here's my opinion -- The standard camera for deposition videography is a Panasonic AG-456 (or, if budget was/is an issue, a 455) or equivalent. An SVHS tape goes in the camera for backup, and the output of the camera goes to an SVHS vcr for the master. Audio for the master comes from the mixing board. Audio for the in-camera backup comes from the on-camera mike. A separate audio cassette is made from the mixer feed. A stand-alone, small (5") video monitor takes its feed from the output of the vcr. The camera is, of course, on a tripod.

This is the _minimum_ gear I consider appropriate for deposition videography. I won't hire you again if you don't have backup for video and audio. Depositions are one-shot deals -- they can't be redone, and are critical. With the setup I've outlined, you have multiple, independent video and audio records, and will always have a backup if something goes sour.

A note about digital cameras: I don't like 'em for depositions for a couple of reasons. First, SVHS gives me 2 hours per tape, DV only one. I don't like to interrupt the flow of the deposition to change tapes too often. However, my primary concern is that digital video is too easily doctored. If authenticity ever becomes an issue, an analogue master can be verified by expert analysis, a digital master cannot.
5. Who's the boss? I don't use "trial consultants" like the author of the website (who, apparently, is NOT a lawyer). I have a litigation support department in my firm that helps prepare trial exhibits and provides support as I direct. I have associate attorneys that work under my direction, and assist me with depositions and trials. I prepare my own witnesses. I pick my own juries. I select my own expert witnesses. My firm bills me out at a fairly obscene hourly rate because my firm and my clients rely entirely and exclusively on my judgment. And I've never lost a trial. With that said, the last thing I want at a deposition is a wannabe Francis Ford Coppola videographer. On a few occassions, I've gotten into arguments (short-lived for obvious reasons) with videographers about camera placement -- I like the camera slightly off to the side, shooting over my left shoulder -- I do NOT want the camera shooting directly across from the witness, with ME off to the side. The reason for this is simple: I want the witness to talk to me, not the camera. I want them to look into my eyes, and I want to look into theirs. An important part of what I do is guide the witness (some might prefer the word "manipulate") so that I get the testimony that I need in the form that I need it. To do this, I want _nothing_ coming between me and the witness. I don't care if the videographer thinks it will look better with the camera one place or another -- _I_ decide where it goes, and I'll live with the results. The three videographers who didn't like my opinion about camera placement don't do depositions for me any more. In one case, the videographer was fired on the spot and another videographer was sent out to replace him.

It's critical to remember that, from start to finish, it's the lawyer's behind that's on the line -- if my client wins, it's my doing. If my client loses, it's my doing. I'm the director, the producer -- I am god -- of the deposition.

Which brings up another point that no one will ever tell you about, until it actually happens. As I said, most depositions are pretty mellow, even boring, events. Occassionally, though, some lawyers get out of hand -- it may be because they are abusive (sadly, this is becoming more frequent), or because they have given an improper and/or illegal instruction to their client/witness. I have, on several occassions, had to terminate a deposition before it was over. As a matter of law, this means suspending the proceeding and taking the dispute before a magisgtrate judge (which sometimes can be done on the spot with a phone call, though usually requires a separate court hearing weeks later). When I say, "This deposition is over -- please close the record," I'm not kidding. I expect the videographer to take us off the record and the court reporter to close the transcript. I do not expect to be ignored, argued with, or asked, "are you sure?" Again, all responsibility lies with the attorney -- if he/she takes this drastic step, just follow instructions, pack up and leave with him/her.

6. A word about editing: For me, it's very simple -- the videographer will never have to do any editing, and will only provide certified copies and the complete video master. If I want "testimony excerpts" prepared, I'll either have it done in house (or even do it myself), or send it out to a production house (there's no reason why the videographer can't also provide production services, but these are two entirely separate activities). However, most times, I will want the video transcoded to mpeg1 and placed on VCDs, which are linked to the ASCII text of the deposition transcript. I've already discussed how lawyers can put depositions before the judge or the jury. I didn't mention the mechanics of evidence introduction for depositions. Simply, the lawyer says, "Your honor, I would like to read from the deposition of Mr. Smith, at page 14, lines 18 through 24." The lawyer then pauses, while the opposing counsel looks at the portion of the record referenced and raises any relevant objections. If there are no objections, the lawyer can then proceed with placing the referenced section of the deposition on the record. With the latest technology, available in litigation support programs like VideoNote and Summation, I can now say, "Your honor, I would like to SHOW the jury Mr. Smith's deposition at page 14, lines 18 through 24." After the review and objections pause, my litigation paralegal can then place on the court room TV monitors the exact question and answer from the video deposition -- the software finds the right spot on the VCD and then plays it. For this reason, I rarely, if ever, do a video deposition excerpt tape -- it simply isn't necessary. I'll only do it if I'm confident I will need only one single section from a deposition (and this is very rare, since deposition testimony is extremely useful for impeachment).

Preparing synced video like this does not, to the best of my knowledge, require time code. The linkage is done manually, line-by-line, once the video is transcoded to mpeg1.

Okay, sorry to go on so long about this, but I thought some people might find it useful to hear it from the horse's mouth. This is by no means a complete discussion of what a videographer should or should not do during a deposition, but covers the major points.

Paul Sedillo
January 8th, 2003, 07:07 AM

Outstanding post! Thank you for taking the time to document this subject. It is great to hear from somebody who has such a wealth of experience.

Again thank you!

Tim Joseph
January 12th, 2003, 04:31 PM
How do you get into this line of work? Would I just send out letters offering my services or would I want to get to know the lawyer first and then offer my services?

Thank you for the post. It was very informative!

Paul Tauger
January 12th, 2003, 05:20 PM
I hire videographers through court reporting services. These are "one stop" contractors who will provide a court reporter, a videographer and, if I'm out of town and don't have a local counsel, an office in which to take the deposition (though often I'll use conference rooms in hotels for this purpose). I don't hire videographers directly (well, I do on very rare occassions, and they're always people I've worked with before -- I always ask for cards from the videographers that I've liked and keep them on file). The major services, which are nationwide, include Esquire, Barkley and Legal Link.

I suspect, it is simply a matter of contacting the court reporting sevices in your area, providing a resume, and getting on there call lists. Know, though, that there are certain things that a videographer must do, beside actually make the physical video record. The videographer must caption the deposition -- it's a fairly simple script that identifies the matter, the location, the videographer, the witness, the attorneys, etc. There's "magic language" for this, but it's easy to get, and quite straight forward. The videographer also has to track remaining time, provide notice (via cue cards) to the attorney that 5 minutes remain, then 1 minute, etc.

I understand there are a couple of entites that purport to be "certifying" agencies for videographers. To the best of my knowledge, unlike a court reporter, there is _no_ requirement for certification -- at least in any of the courts in which I practice, e.g. all the federal courts in the US, and the California state court. However, certification _may_ be a sufficient credential to get you staretd with a court reporting service.

As for contacting lawyers directly, that wouldn't work for big firm practice, though it might for solo practioners -- I suppose it depends on how often they take depostions, since scheduling could be an issue.

Don Parrish
January 19th, 2003, 06:16 AM
I looked into this occupation to increase my video income. I am sure Paul and others will correct me if I am wrong, but this is what I have learned. There is some additional respect for deposition videographers who have had some schooling or seminars or certifications on these events. Plus, schooling offers you confidence and experience. Some websites will say that certification is necessary but I do not know if this is law ( state or otherwise), It may however be an arguable point for an attorney.
I would never attempt this without seeing, and knowing exactly what I was doing, there may be some legalities about the proceeding you are expected to accomplish (paperwork or verbal statements) and some attorneys may not expect to have to oversee your side of the event. You must, must know every knob, button, and ability on your camera before doing this, and to be that familiar with your camera means you are probably good with it. I would find some way to train with another videographer, I am not scared of depositions, but in the video industry your name is all you have and screwing up a deposition would end your being hired again. Learn audio systems upside down and inside out until you can configure them in your sleep. Last but not least, do a lot of research before buying into one of the internet courses on this subject, I am not sure that they would provide someone with everything they need to know. here is a link I started with, on the right side of the page is a link for videographers. hope this helps.

Todd Mattson
March 24th, 2003, 03:50 PM
I just attended the CLVS (certified legal video specialist) seminar held in Arizona last week. Although the equipment classes were rudimentary, the business and legal classes proved to be worthwhile. To answer the original poster's question about the XL1, no it won't work, and here's why. On a legal video you need to have a time / date stamp and NOT and I repeat NOT SMPTE time code. Unfortunately, the XL1 cannot separate these two display functions, either on playback or on record. This leaves you with two options. An outboard time/date generator and dv deck (YUK, who wants to buy that these days) or get a camera like the Panasonic AG-DVX100, which can separate between the two, meaning you can look at the SMPTE time code along with other functions, while still only sending the time/date to your output. Do take it from me as I am in the exact same boat you are with the Canon, as now I am planning to sell mine.

Ken Tanaka
March 24th, 2003, 05:15 PM
Thank you for the follow-up, Todd. BTW, your remarks also apply to the GL2 which, as we discovered in another thread, also cannot burn the full date and time onto a tape.

Just for the sake of accuracy here I'll add that none of the Canon video cameras capture or display true SMPTE time codes. They use basically DV time code which is essentaily record time on the tape.

Mike Rehmus
April 30th, 2003, 09:47 PM

Why not buy a VCR that will record that information on the tape? Or buy a Horita that will allow you to add both plus up to 20 characters. List is just under $400 which is a lot less than the hit you will take on selling your camera.

The legal folks want VHS anyway from what I can see.

BTW, I looked at that class you took but they want Associate Members to be sponsored by a full member and wait 6 months before they can take the course. Then another period of time before they can take the test. Is that correct or am I all wet?

Todd Mattson
May 1st, 2003, 05:01 AM
You need to have a VCR with you as well as having the tape from in camera. My question was, did I want to buy an outboard date/time generator? No, that's pretty much useless money spent, for me at least. When if I traded in my camera and combined that with the cost of an outboard generator, there's only about $500 in difference to the purchase price of the DVX. Already that amount has been ofset for me by picking up a music video gig that I may not have gotten before getting the DVX. Plus, I'm very anxious to use the camera in making a digital feature over the summer with it.

Back to depos, the gear you'll need for doing depositions includes a camera capable of separating date/time from SMPTE (or a camera with a date/time generator), VCR, audio mixer, cassette recorder, 4 lav mikes, good tripod, a neutral portable background (got mine from Denny company), and optionally two PZM mikes. Yeah, you've got to have a VHS master, but the idea is to have two masters, one from in camera, one from the VCR. You'll also need some way of making VHS copies, and depending on if you want to go into courtroom playback, or if you are even in a market that hasn't installed monitors in the courtrooms already, you will need to either have a rental plan or access to three monitors, one for the attorneys (19"+), one for the jury (13"+), and one for the judge (9"+).

As far as needing a sponsor, that's the first I've heard of that, and I'm taking the written test this weekend. So I guess you're "all wet" on that aspect, but you said it it, not me. As far as how long it takes, well you attend the weekend seminar, and a few months later you take the written test, and about six months later you take the hands-on test. So it does take about nine months all told.

Mike Rehmus
May 9th, 2003, 10:16 PM
It will be interesting to hear how your test goes and what help the organization gives you.

I was just sworn in as a Notary Public today and I can now 'legally' do deps in California. Now to scare up some business.

Bryant Sentosa
May 14th, 2003, 10:56 PM
Just curious about Deposition Videographer. What type of salary/income can one expect to make?

Josh Bass
May 14th, 2003, 11:25 PM
Here in Houston, at least, an independent can charge $50 an hour. . .and that's rather low from what I understand!

Bryant Sentosa
May 14th, 2003, 11:27 PM
Really...? That's pretty decent. I guess it would depend on how much you work. Luckily for us the U.S. is a place where we love to sue each other... :)

Josh Bass
May 14th, 2003, 11:43 PM
Yes. And sometimes those depos run long.

Bryant Sentosa
May 15th, 2003, 12:01 AM
I've never even heard of this field.

Where can I get more information?
What is the outlook of this profession?
What is the job market like for this profession?
Is there an sturation of videographer in this field?
Is there classes that someone can take?

Ken Tanaka
May 15th, 2003, 12:07 AM
This thread is probably one of the best resources you'll find on the subject. Pay particular note to Paul's extensive remarks further up.

Bryant Sentosa
May 15th, 2003, 01:56 AM
What other training courses is avaibale? Does anyone know of any other courses besides the one listed above?


Bryant Sentosa
May 15th, 2003, 02:36 PM
For those interested I found this site that look pretty complete.
I haven't explored it in depth, but the additional links might be helpful.

Got another question:

I looked at two videographers website and from that they state, they are using Sony 3 CCD cameras. One I think is using the PD-150 and the other Sony DSR250.

Here is one of them, I can't find the other.

They have video demo

Again, I am so new it's not even funny, but can those camera be used? Paul stated that digital is not preferred. Will be able to supply the time stamp?

Earlier in this thread Paul Sadillo asked it the XL1s will be able to do this. I just want to confirm the answer was yes, and the GL2 can't.


Nigel Moore
May 15th, 2003, 02:53 PM
Luckily for us the U.S. is a place where we love to sue each other... :)Through my main business (which is, unfortunately, more mundane than DV) I have plenty of exposure to the US legal system. It makes me glad that I live in Europe. I may never get a job as a deposition videographer...but then at least I never have to pretend to like lawyers! :-)

Mike Rehmus
May 15th, 2003, 10:38 PM
That seems a bit harsh, Nigel. Especially since one of those lawyers (Paul) contributed so much to this thread.

Sorry you've had personal experience with a few you don't like.

Bryant Sentosa
May 22nd, 2003, 01:15 AM
I hate to ask this questions, it'll really make me look like a newbie.

I'm really interested in this profession can some help me answer these questions:

1) Can anyone tell me of a make or model of a outboard date/time generator?

2) What is the purpose of the mixer? Make/Model?

3) What make/model of lav mics?

Bryant Sentosa
May 22nd, 2003, 01:16 AM
I hate to ask this questions, it'll really make me look like a newbie.

I'm really interested in this profession can some help me answer these questions:

1) Can anyone tell me of a make or model of a outboard date/time generator?

2) What is the purpose of the mixer? Make/Model?

3) What make/model of lav mics?

4) Any particular brand or type of VCR?

Bryant Sentosa

Josh Bass
May 22nd, 2003, 01:48 AM
I work with a guy on a show, and he does depositions using his XL1.

Timothy Eno
June 16th, 2003, 06:03 PM
Thank you Paul for your insight. I have been looking for some answers on this topic for some time. Outside of the mentioned certification programs there is little information to be found. It seems to be a well guarded industry.

Martin Garrison
November 23rd, 2003, 10:46 PM
Another excellent resource:

Law Tyler
January 12th, 2004, 12:27 AM
Thanks for discouraging most of us with zillions of DV equipment away from it. I think I will do it only if some lawyer BEG me to.

BTW, OT, some patent lawyer called me up out of the blue from your area, asking me to be a "witness" in defending a very large computer company from a lawsuit from some patent litigation company. They think one of my Internet postings long long time ago, describing a piece of technology I invented ("backyard" invention), invalids the plantiff's patent.

I answered all his questions 100% truthfully, but since I see nothing to gain for myself other than perhaps forced to fly there to testify, wasting my time and money, I was very discouraging. He kept asking for permission to call me back but I told him, truthfully, that I no longer have the invention (loss during house move) and was even surprised that I did talked about it publicly (it was on the Internet, I checked it myself). He asked and I answered him truthfully that I do not recall making the posting, but admit it looked like mine. He since had not call back.

My question is, could he have hired me as a paid "expert witness"? If so, would he have said so on the phone? How much does that pay any way? I did not like the company his law firm was working for any way, don't feel like being attacked and ridiculed by rival lawyers for nothing.

Boy, you people can get so damn desperate and creative sometimes.

Mike Rehmus
February 13th, 2004, 07:24 PM
Video University has a tape course on depostions. Not bad but not state specific.

Paul Tauger
February 16th, 2004, 10:58 PM
Thanks for discouraging most of us with zillions of DV equipment away from it. I think I will do it only if some lawyer BEG me to.I'm not saying don't do it. I'm just saying, I have concerns about digital.

My question is, could he have hired me as a paid "expert witness"? If so, would he have said so on the phone? How much does that pay any way? I did not like the company his law firm was working for any way, don't feel like being attacked and ridiculed by rival lawyers for nothing.An expert witness is someone who has specialized knowledge that could assist the trier of fact. Without knowing more about what you were asked to testify to, I can't say, but it's possible you could have been an expert witness. However, when I hire expert witnesses, I tell them up front that's what I want. Sounds like he would (and may still) tag you as a percipient witness. He can do this with a subpoena. Best advice: NEVER talk to someone else's lawyer -- trust me, there's nothing in it for you.

Nigel said: but then at least I never have to pretend to like lawyers! Fair enough. And I won't pretend to like you. ;)

Bryant said: What is the purpose of the mixer?You'll always have a minimum of three live mikes for a depo -- one for the attorney asking the questions, one for the witness, and one for opposing counsel. You need to mix them as you would any multiple-mike shoot.

Amy Shankleton-Novess
January 12th, 2010, 06:37 PM
As a court recorder for 30 years, freelance for 21 I'd like to get into video depositions. Most of the time the parties pay for the videographer AND the court reporter. As a certified court recorder (Audiotaping the proceedings) I can prepare and file the transcripts so clients would be paying for only one body to show up (me!). As a 'newbie' to videography can anyone help with cameras? Paul's comments on digital are noted and very valuable; but now years later still applicable regarding digital? I'd like to convert the 'recording' down to a simple .WAV or similar file, and I can transcribe the audio testimony using various transcription software with my foot petal. I'm looking seriously at Panasonic AG HMC 70 or HMC 150. It can accept XLR microphones, record to SD and by saving to the chip hopefully record up to about 6 hours without interruption. I have received various video recordings such as interviews and converted down to a .WAV file and typed without problem. Just would appreciate some input on equipment. Thanks.

Andrew Clark
January 12th, 2010, 08:33 PM
Very interesting, but a bit dated, thread.

So to bring this topic into the new decade, a few questions, if the experts here would be so kind to chime in, again, about this profession:

- - American Guild of Court Videographers ( - Has anybody heard of this organization and if so, recommendations?

- Recommendations for possible other schools? Online vs. Classroom (live)?

- Digital Format - Trying to understand something here; is it the digital recording format that is not a preferred format for the recording of the depositions or is it the medium recorded to that is the concern (i.e., HDD's, Flash Media, vs. Tape based). Because nowadays, it seems like a great majority of the video cams out there are either recording to HDD's or some flavor of Flash media.

- Certification - Required? Helpful?

This definitely seems like an interesting field / career.

Amy Shankleton-Novess
January 13th, 2010, 09:59 AM
To my knowledge there is not a requirement to be certified as a videographer in any state. There are at least two organizations that offer a certificaiton process; American Guild of Videographers and National Court Reporters Association (NCRA). You can take their workshop or course and get the final certification, Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS), I believe they call it. The certification is not necessary but some law firms and attorneys prefer you have attained it to show serious desire to know the field and understand the process rather than showing up with the camera ready to shoot. Some states have specific rules about procedures, playback in court, retention period of the recording and so on.

Amy Shankleton-Novess
January 13th, 2010, 10:14 AM
Thank you for your input, by the way. Appreciate it. As newbie to digital formats am very green. In the old days the deposition was recorded to videotape, perhaps onto 3 tapes simultaneously during the proceeding, to ensure a backup, and one tape for requesting party and retain an original . Attorneys or the videographer could play the videotape in court as necessary. That technology of course is way out the window so am having to research and learn the new formats. The digital recording would be great as long as I can access the audio tracks to be able to transcribe from. I have a USB foot pedal that goes into the computer and use the transcription software such as ExpressScribe or FTR Gold. So need to be able to convert the digital to a format that the software can read. I listen through the headset and type along in a Word document, advancing the recording using the foot pedal.
Yes, interesting field. There are on-line schools but the two programs I mentioned previously will probably offer the most insight and preparation for getting into the field, and are most nationally recognized.

David Barnett
January 13th, 2010, 12:04 PM
AFAIK no state requires certification. In fact I'm almost positive. Most lawyers could care less about it, but as Amy said it shows effort. NCRA-CLVS is done thru the National Court Reporters Association and emphasizes siding with court reporters during deps whereas I've heard AGCV focuses on dealing straight with lawyers. Neither are required, but can be helpful in demonstrating it, depends on your comfort level. otoh they are also basically a business, and can be pricey. Some states do have nuances about procedures, laws etc (I believe FLA, CA, & Mich) not sure what they are but keep hearing them mentioned but none require certified.

Amy you're attempt sounds quite cumbersome tbh. While shooting a dep isn't surgery I'm not sure I'd want to be doing 2 things at once. I'm not familiar with court "recorders" but is all they do is record the audio to tape? Otherwise if an attorney has to wait or is interrupted due to you doing two things at once I don't think you'd get a call back. Myb I'm missing what you're saying. Also, sounds like alot in post to rip the audio into a WAV file. Can you just get a WAV recorder & use a line out from your mixer or camera?

To answer your questions, things have loosened up re; digital. Most deps are shot to tape, with a dvd burner for backup. Some even use memory cards as a 3rd backup. It's rare they ask for the DVD when they leave, but can happen on occasion. In which case burn extra & opposing clients dvd from the original tape source. ALWAYS keep some form of Master copy. For years. Andrew I would try getting a camera with tape. Sometimes you'd get calls from other videographers or large firms to cover for them & take a job. They may need it in a specific format (mini DV, DVD etc). If you can only shoot to mem card you'd then have to transfer it to send it to them. Just my opinion. Also HD is not used hardly ever. So SD is more than enough.

Paul Tauger
January 13th, 2010, 03:21 PM
I agree with David on all counts -- I'm aware of no state that requires certification, nor is certification required for federal matters (remember that these are two totally separate court systems). As a lawyer, I always contract for videographers through the court-reporting service. I rely on them to vet the videographer -- I have no interest in doing so and, indeed, I can't recall a single instance in which I was aware of an individual videographer's qualifications. HOWEVER, I've recently gone in-house where, among other things, I conduct litigation for my company. I have a couple of active matters for which I might consider identifying and working with a specific videographer directly, rather than going through the court reporting company -- IF it will save me a substantial amount of money. In that case, the extent of my vetting will consist solely of "which court-reporting companies do you contract with, and what equipment do you have?"

As for digital, the original concern was that a video may be altered. However, given the prevalence of digital video gear and the almost complete disappearance of analog, the concern over digital is far less important. As noted, HD is not used and not considered a "bonus." Many courtrooms have their own video setups these days, but they're still sufficiently behind the times that they won't incorporate HD.

I want to join David in emphasizing the importance of keeping master. If there is ever a dispute over authenticity, the videographer will testify as to the accuracy of the video record. To do that, you need the master in your possession (chain of evidence). If the noticing attorney requests the master, make sure you get a release.

Josh Fenton
January 13th, 2010, 05:42 PM
In California you have to be a Notary Public to videotape doctor testifying as an expert.

Eventually, IMO, depositions will be taped in HD for courtroom playback in HD. Storage is a big issue right now as many depositions go over 7 hours. Seven hours of HD files is going take up a lot of space on your e-Discovery server, on your network hard drives or on your trial presentation laptop. Also, industry standard trial presentation apps like Trial Director and Sanction don't support playback of MPEG-2 with a synched transcript. They will play MPEG-2, but not synched to the transcript. They can only handle MPEG-1 and possibly MPEG-4 with the right codec installed.

Everyone has HD at home in their living room but when they are called to sit on a jury in a multi-million dollar lawsuit they are presented with fuzzy 4:3 standard definition MPEG-1 video that makes their eyes hurt. It simply cannot remain this way forever.

Paul Tauger
January 14th, 2010, 02:50 AM
In California you have to be a Notary Public to videotape doctor testifying as an expert. Sorry, that is not correct.

Josh Fenton
January 14th, 2010, 12:09 PM
I beg to differ

California Statutes
Audio/Video Addendum


"The deposition notice shall state all of the following:
(6) Any intention to reserve the right to use at trial a video recording of the deposition testimony of a treating or consulting physician or of any expert witness under subdivision (d) of Section 2025.620. In this event, the operator of the camera shall be a person who is authorized to administer the oath, and shall not be financially interested in the action or be a relative or employee of any attorney of any of the parties."

Key words: "Authorized to administer the oath"

A Notary Public can administer the oath and this is the most logical certification a videographer can get that allows him or her to do so.

Dave Blackhurst
January 14th, 2010, 02:17 PM
ahh, the esoterics of the law... looks like a VERY narrow statutory construct, not one likely to be well known unless practicing in medical malpractice? Although the words "or of any expert witness" would open that up significantly, wouldn't it?

Andrew Clark
January 15th, 2010, 03:23 AM
Thank you all for the informative replies. This definitely helps shed some light on this profession. Seems very interesting.

Paul Tauger
January 15th, 2010, 01:35 PM
I beg to differ

California Statutes
Audio/Video Addendum


"The deposition notice shall state all of the following:
(6) Any intention to reserve the right to use at trial a video recording of the deposition testimony of a treating or consulting physician or of any expert witness under subdivision (d) of Section 2025.620. In this event, the operator of the camera shall be a person who is authorized to administer the oath, and shall not be financially interested in the action or be a relative or employee of any attorney of any of the parties."

Key words: "Authorized to administer the oath"

A Notary Public can administer the oath and this is the most logical certification a videographer can get that allows him or her to do so.And you are still mistaken. This is not a requirement that a deposition videographer be a notary.

Dave Blackhurst
January 15th, 2010, 01:43 PM
"the operator of the camera shall be a person who is authorized to administer the oath"

Just curious as to who can "administer the oath"? Any special requirements, or would it be moot if a regular court reporter were there doing that function? Curiousity really...

Josh Fenton
January 15th, 2010, 05:10 PM
This is not a requirement that a deposition videographer be a notary.

Correct. This is not a requirement that a deposition videographer be a Notary. However, it is a requirement that the deposition videographer be "Authorized to administer the oath".

A Notary Public can administer the oath and this is the most logical certification a videographer can get that allows him or her to do so.

You have to be careful here because if the deposition videographer is not authorized to administer the oath in these types of depostions, the video could be thrown out and the videographer and the company he/she works for could be sued.

Pete Cofrancesco
January 15th, 2010, 07:06 PM
"the operator of the camera shall be a person who is authorized to administer the oath"

Just curious as to who can "administer the oath"? Any special requirements, or would it be moot if a regular court reporter were there doing that function? Curiousity really...
In my state, for my company the stenographer administers the oath. The videographer doesn't need to be certified as long as he adheres to the standards.

Denis Danatzko
January 16th, 2010, 10:16 AM
has always been that:
1) any Notary Public in attendance can administer the oath if the Notary is authorized (i.e. received theiri commission) from the state (and sometimes down to the county) in which the deponent is located, i.e. the authority to do so comes with being a Notary. (For that limited purpose, they are/may be considered an officer of the court).
2) the court with jurisdiction can, at its discretion, "authorize" someone who is not a Notary, if for instance, a Notary Public is not available. (I've never seen or heard of this happening, and I suspect would only be allowed in very, very unusual circumstances).

Because a properly-recorded deposition would include the complete record of what transpired during a deposition, some states may allow a deposition to proceed without the presence of a stenographer, because the recording would be/serve as the complete record. However, I've never seen or heard of that either, and the few depositions I've worked on have always had a stenographer who is a Notary. This seems to be SOP, even though the "Rules" may allow otherwise. (I can't imagine an attorney allowing otherwise, i.e. ff "technical difficulties" prevented a videographer from recording, the entire exercise would be wasted).

It's important to have backup equipment, too, just in case something gets damaged or otherwise fails.

Josh Fenton
January 18th, 2010, 12:23 PM
In most cases it is the court reporter who swears the witness at a deposition. However, I am aware of a few instances, one in particular, where it was a Saturday deposition. The court reporter for some reason never showed up. Since the videographer was a Notary, he was able to swear the witness and the deposition went forward without a court reporter present. Later, the court reporter produced a transcript of the proceedings by listening to or watching a videotape of the deposition.

Legal videographers are occasionally called to videotape a "statement under oath" without a court reporter present. This is also situation where the videographer needs to be authorized to administer the oath if no one else present (such as another Notary) is authorized to do so.

In California, a videographer must be authorized to administer the oath (More often than not by being a Notary Public) if they are to videotape the deposition testimony of a treating or consulting physician or of any expert witness under subdivision (d) of Section 2025.620. This holds true regardless of the presence of a court reporter and regardless of whether the videographer administers the oath for that particular deposition or not.

A videographer who is not authorized to administer the oath in these types of depositions but videotapes them anyway, can be liable for damages caused when the videotaped evidence is thrown out of court. Lawyers who are aware of this rule will hold this card in their hand.