View Full Version : XL2 Lens'

Max Liptack
November 28th, 2005, 02:54 PM
I am at work right now, and we are discussing purchasing a XL2, however we feel for the applications we use (live videotaping of events) we need better than 20x zoom.

Where can we find a compatible lens? I am thinking we could add a 72mm 2x zoom lens so we 'amplify' the existing zoom range.

Any input?


Travis Andersen
November 28th, 2005, 03:56 PM
I would take a look at the Canon 1.6 extender. Works great with the 20X lens.

Check here to see a comparison:

You can thank Chris for this excellent page.

A. J. deLange
November 28th, 2005, 03:59 PM
20x is a lot of zoom for the money. Canon does make a 100x zoom lens but I imagine it's $1K or more per x. To be a bit more serious tele extenders are usually a disaster. I'm guessing that you really want more magnification and not more zoom ratio in which case still camera lenses with modest zoom ratios may serve. There is an adapter for the Canon EOS lenses and third party vendors make adapters for other makes. Remember the 7.2 magnification factor from the small sensor size (i.e. a 100 mm lens yields 35mm equivalent focal length of 720 mm).