View Full Version : my boss got the video Ipod and...

Greg Harris
November 22nd, 2005, 07:04 AM
well it's just amazing, VERY clear video and I really want to buy one now. What's the best/easiest way to get video on the idod? My boss was talking about taking a dvd and converting it but I have no idea how to rip a dvd off of the actual disk onto your computer. So what I'm really asking is, when I get my ipod and I want to put "the matrix" on it, how would I go about doing that???


Peter Wiley
November 22nd, 2005, 08:17 AM
If by chance you are on a Mac you can use a program called Handbreak. ( It will rip the DVD into a file you can use on the iPod. It does take some time and the compression is not quite as good as TV shows from Apple but it is pretty good.

I am sure there are other similar programs for Windows

Greg Harris
November 22nd, 2005, 08:53 AM
yeah, i'm on Windows.

Greg Harris
November 22nd, 2005, 12:26 PM
Movies aren't available for download from itunes is it? It just seems like so much work to get video on it.

Dan Euritt
November 22nd, 2005, 04:14 PM
it's just an h.264 file, right? find out the frame size and bitrate specs for the video, then check out nero as the encoder... you can do two-pass encoding with it, the quality is good.

ipod probably hooks up to the computer with firewire?? just copy the file over to it?

Hse Kha
November 24th, 2005, 07:48 PM
I love my 60GB Video iPod too.

It was not easy but I found a way and now I get super quality videos on it from any DVD, DV Camera, anything.

Basically you need QuickTime Pro and another software that can write to QuickTime.

Anyway the steps are:-

1) Rip the DVD to your hard drive.

2) Convert the DVD to an AVI file.

3) Convert the AVI file to a MOV file.

4) Use QuickTime Pro 7 to convert that MOV file to a m4v file.

Good luck.

Greg Boston
November 24th, 2005, 09:06 PM
There was also a news story about Tivo intending to make video stored on their units downloadable to the Video Ipod. Could be very interesting to see how that works out.


Eric Brown
November 25th, 2005, 12:12 AM
There was also a news story about Tivo intending to make video stored on their units downloadable to the Video Ipod. Could be very interesting to see how that works out.


Now you're talkin'! I could go for watching my 1/2 hr - 1hr TV shows on the tiny screen. It's the longer content I'm concerned about.
The thought of watching Lord of the rings on a 2.5 inch? screen doesn't much appeal to me.

Boyd Ostroff
November 25th, 2005, 06:35 AM
There was also a news story about Tivo intending to make video stored on their units downloadable to the Video Ipod.

See the following:

Greg Harris
November 27th, 2005, 12:44 PM
How would I rip a dvd on a PC? Is there a program I need?


Nick Jushchyshyn
November 28th, 2005, 09:44 AM
Videora is a free program ( for PC that converts video files to iPod-friendly formats.

On a Mac, QuickTime Pro has a preset menu command to convert a video for iPod.

Greg Harris
November 28th, 2005, 02:11 PM
WOW, that's awesome!!

Rob Moreno
November 29th, 2005, 02:39 AM
For you mac users, the latest version of the freeware app mpeg streamclip has an option to export to ipod. i believe you can just drag the video ts folder from a dvd and export. i haven't tried it yet, though.

Greg Harris
November 29th, 2005, 07:13 AM
When I converted the dvd I put in my computer it opened the DVD with lots of different files, then converted. Is there a way to rip the video from the dvd and have it remain as one icon? or should I just bring all of the files into premier pro, then export it and bring it into videora ipod.


Nick Vaughan
November 29th, 2005, 12:46 PM
What's the battery life on those things?

Jos Svendsen
November 29th, 2005, 12:59 PM
Over at they have a complete guide (Mac and PC) for getting video converted to ipod friendly formats.

I am playing around with my vpod just see what kind of video suits this device. VideoPodcasts seems to be very interesting as a new media.

Nick Hiltgen
November 29th, 2005, 02:49 PM
I've heard that it can play 2 hours of video on one charge, but I'm thinking the actual number is closer to 75 minutes.

Sean McHenry
November 30th, 2005, 12:03 AM
Best source of ripping and encoding apps -

Excellent resource and most are free. I personally use DVDShrink for BU copies of movies and various other apps, Gordian Knot, DiVx encoders, etc for the Axim 30 PDA I have. Not completly a one step thing yet, but close. Quality these days of ripped re-encoded files is darned good.

Sean McHenry

Rik Sanchez
December 27th, 2005, 08:56 AM
I just bought my Black 30gig iPod today, the thing is very slick, just managed to put a few videos on there, have to re-encode all my stuff to fit on there. The video out to the TV is a nice feature, gonna have to carry the cable around with me, just in case I want to show people some stuff.

After the new year's I'll upgrade to Tiger and get Quicktime Pro, that seems to be the easiest way for me to get my video on the iPod.

Found a site that has public domain videos, got a copy of Plan 9 From Outer Space for the iPod, gotta put that on my iPod as well.

Rob Moreno
December 27th, 2005, 10:26 AM
Hey Rik,
welcome to the video ipod club! I love mine. I have most of my shorts, music videos and recent work projects on it ready to show anyone, anytime. It's like having my demo reel with me at all times. Get the lastest version of mpeg streamclip. That program allows you to convert DVDs to the ipod format. I have the entire first season of 24 on my pod and have been watching on the train to and from work for the past few weeks. Where did you get plan 9? Was it from

Rik Sanchez
December 27th, 2005, 10:43 AM
Yo Rob,
yeah, right now I'm putting all my music into it, taking forever. Later I might put the video previews from work on there. Still have to put all my photos on there as well. It will take me a while to get all the stuff on there.

I'm going to my friend's club tomorrow night and I'm taking the video cable with me, gonna show some videos on their projector, some of my Kyoto Shibari videos. I just got my music iPod last Feb. now I've already upgraded. Guess we are all gonna upgrade again when they come out with a wide screen version, Rie will kill me.

Here is the link for the public stuff, got it off of the cult of Mac site.

They got lots of Kung Fu movies as well!

Luckily my belt clip from my old iPod works with my new iPod, so no need to buy a holder. Right now got some Waylon and Willie going through my headphones, back to upload the thing. take it easy, hopefully I can go up there sometime soon or you can come down here. Oh, the song changed, now it's Frank singing about the moon. Later.

Boyd Ostroff
December 27th, 2005, 11:48 AM
I'm going to my friend's club tomorrow night and I'm taking the video cable with me, gonna show some videos on their projector

Let us hear how those look. Doesn't the iPod only output composite video at the same low resolution/high compression that the tiny screen uses?

Rob Moreno
December 27th, 2005, 06:51 PM
It shouldn't look any worse than a video CD since the dimensions are the same 320 x 240. It should actually look at little better as the codec is more efficient than VCD's mpeg-1.

Greg Harris
January 19th, 2006, 08:58 AM
I have a question, I have the video Ipod Converter and I put "old school" and some other movies in there, compress them fine and I can watch them in Itunes and everthing, but when I try to watch it on my ipod the screen just goes black for a second and returns to the menue. But I can watch "the office" that I got from itunes just fine. Are my settings in Ipod converter off? I believe I just used the settings given.
