View Full Version : DVC4 Official announcement

Dylan Couper
November 21st, 2005, 08:54 PM
At long last, official DVC4 news!

Lets start off with... Rob Lohman has joined the DVC4 team as web ninja. He will be doing the website maintenance and updates, thanks Rob! Any website stuff can be directed right towards him. We may have 2 more people joining the team in the near future, but we'll talk about that later.

What you want to know:
The DVC4 theme will be announced Thursday Dec 1st.
DVC4 will end at midnight of Sunday Dec 11th. Yes, this means a full extra weekend. This is to compensate for the short notice on the start date.
The theme will be holiday related.

OK.... a big change here.
With the holidays coming, we are going to collectively raise some money for charity!
All DVC4 proceeds and prizes will be collected into one big grand prize, which then will be donated to the charity of the winner's choice.

Entry is still free, but since 100% is going to charity, Santa is checking his list to see who donates and who doesn't. Even if everyone donates $10 we are looking at a substantial amount of money to help out others. I'm currently discussing donation amounts with our sponsors.

But Dylan, you don't seem to be the help out your fellow man type, what gives? It makes me feel good, it'll make you feel good too. That's all.

Mike Teutsch
November 21st, 2005, 09:04 PM
Great, a new challenge! I'm in, if only to embarrass myself. If I can help in anyway please let me know. I may have t-shirt contacts ect. and maybe we can set up a mailing system to save money. I've given up on winning, or perhaps I've just become realistic after 58 years, but I will participate and try to contribute.

Single old guy, living by himself, Holiday theme, hey it "will" be a challenge!

Great to see you back on line Dylan, and like I said, anything to help just count me in. You know my email.

Welcome back!


Sean McHenry
November 22nd, 2005, 01:25 AM
I'm in, I'm in, I'm in...pant, pant...throw the ball...throw the ball...pant, pant...

Waiting on Dec 1st.


November 22nd, 2005, 04:06 AM
Well... I am in. I have little time. Several exams but... I have always wondered what it's like to be on WOS... Now Fredrik... press "Submit Reply" before you think to change your mind... aarhgh... too late..

Josh Johnson
November 22nd, 2005, 07:06 AM
I'm in... yay!

Dick Mays
November 22nd, 2005, 11:55 AM
I think I'm in, I think I'm in...

Tyler Baptist
November 22nd, 2005, 01:57 PM
I'm in like a lump of coal in my stocking this year!

Dylan Couper
November 22nd, 2005, 03:29 PM
The sign up thread is here guys. :)

Because it is a charity event, I'm changing the rules of the game a little, for this one.
All persons previously disqualified from competing may now compete!
This includes any sponsors, past judges,DVC4 team members, and ME.
We will be judging as follows: Everyone who submits a film gets a vote on Best Film. Simple as that!
This gives a nice chance for all of you to say you whipped my butt in a fair competition. I will probably have an impartial party tally the votes.

Mike Teutsch
November 22nd, 2005, 04:08 PM
The sign up thread is here guys. :)

Because it is a charity event, I'm changing the rules of the game a little, for this one.
All persons previously disqualified from competing may now compete!
This includes any sponsors, past judges,DVC4 team members, and ME.
We will be judging as follows: Everyone who submits a film gets a vote on Best Film. Simple as that!
This gives a nice chance for all of you to say you whipped my butt in a fair competition. I will probably have an impartial party tally the votes.


I like that idea of letting all compete! Found humor in your use of the word "probably" in the last line. I'm sure you can tally them just fine by yourself.


Nick Hiltgen
November 22nd, 2005, 04:46 PM
Can I make a suggestion that we have two votes for best film, the first being for the film we liked best (our own) and the second being for the film that really was the best. Seems like it might make it a little less likely for a 35 way tie.

Dylan Couper
November 22nd, 2005, 06:51 PM
Can I make a suggestion that we have two votes for best film, the first being for the film we liked best (our own) and the second being for the film that really was the best. Seems like it might make it a little less likely for a 35 way tie.

OK, rule #1, you can't vote for your own film. We'll call it the Nick rule.

Pete Bauer
November 22nd, 2005, 07:52 PM
Ok, I PROMISE I won't vote for my own film (fingers crossed!)

Sean McHenry
November 23rd, 2005, 07:34 AM
Yeah, me too...I never vote for my own....

...In the dark of the basement at Muppet Labs, a secret bank of PCs is set up to swing the vote in favor of his own short films...

"Beaker - throw the Voting Machine switch, now!"

"meep mee beep noo"

and the machinery hums...


Nick Hiltgen
November 23rd, 2005, 07:41 AM
OK, rule #1, you can't vote for your own film. We'll call it the Nick rule.

Well uh, gee that's swell. I'm not exactly sure how to take having a rule named after me...

Adam Keen
November 23rd, 2005, 08:02 AM
Well then, vote for one that is decent, but not in the top, to not give your strongest competition any help.

Sean McHenry
November 23rd, 2005, 08:14 AM
Actually, it's a hard thing to say you can't vote for your own. If someone genuinly thought theirs was the best then they would be throwing the contest to if forced to vote for someone else. Maybe you could abstain from voting if you thought yours was the best but can't vote on your own?

Then again, you could have 0 votes for anyone I suppose. Probably also not so good. I think the impartial panel is still the way to go. How about we let our wives, girlfriends, significant others do our voting. My wife is particularly honest about my works. Sometimes painfully so...

nevermind...dumb idea. What was I thinking...stupid, stupid idea.


Dick Mays
November 23rd, 2005, 09:42 AM
Well then, vote for one that is decent, but not in the top, to not give your strongest competition any help.

Sounds like the recent Amazon film competition. Let's keep the DV Challenge civilized, use the Nick rule, and go with one vote for the top film (other than your own). Works for me.

Robert Martens
November 23rd, 2005, 02:20 PM
I hate to rain on the parade, but I have a concern I haven't seen addressed yet. Perhaps I'm being my usual paranoid, worrywart self, but isn't there some potential for what I believe they call "drama" here? Person A wins the contest, chooses a charity, it's announced which one was chosen, and all hell breaks loose; "How dare you choose Charity X?! They do this, that, and the other, Charity Y is the only sane choice!" "But no! Charity Y takes more of the donations than it needs to, Charity X is obviously more charitable!" "What about Charity Z?" "Ha! Charity Z is a joke--what kind of a person donates money to such a trivial cause?"

I know we're generally all civil to one another here, and in my two years (and someodd months) here, I've never seen any threads degenerate into outright namecalling and personal attack, but there have been some touchy subjects discussed. It just seems like this could be one heck of a stressful subject to talk about. I would personally worry that if I won (ha!), the relative merit of my charity of choice would come under fire. I think it's a worthy cause (though it's not curing any diseases, it's bringing some small amount of happiness to children in hospitals around the world), but others may not feel so enamored of them, and that makes me nervous. Not like I stand a chance, but still.

The question, then, is how will this be handled? Will the selected charity be announced to everyone, or kept secret? And if it's mentioned, are we all going to offer our opinions, or simply go into the contest knowing that the money could go anywhere, and not say anything?

I hope none of that sounds judgmental of my beloved fellow board members--as I said, I'm fairly confident that we'd remain our usual, personable selves in such a situation. There's just always that tiny, niggling doubt, you know?

Benjamin Durin
November 25th, 2005, 09:52 PM
The DV Challenge t-shirts are still an option for this one ?
If yes, what would be the donation then ?



Dylan Couper
November 25th, 2005, 10:05 PM
I hate to rain on the parade, but I have a concern I haven't seen addressed yet. Perhaps I'm being my usual paranoid, worrywart self, but isn't there some potential for what I believe they call "drama" here? Person A wins the contest, chooses a charity, it's announced which one was chosen, and all hell breaks loose; "How dare you choose Charity X?! They do this, that, and the other, Charity Y is the only sane choice!" "

Good question!
The winner picks the charity, and everyone shuts up and likes it. Anyone who complains gets slapped. That's the beauty of being the winner. If you don't like certain charities, then make a better movie. :)
Maybe I'll keep it a secret.

Dylan Couper
November 25th, 2005, 10:07 PM
The DV Challenge t-shirts are still an option for this one ?
If yes, what would be the donation then ?


I wasn't going to offer shirts on this one, just because I'd rather see all the cash go towards charity (rather than much of it going towards the shirt). I am getting a redesign done on the shirts, but they won't be ready in time.

Robert Martens
November 25th, 2005, 10:14 PM
Most excellent! Not that I have anything personal against any particular charity, but I understand that some do, so I thought I'd ask the question while it was still in my head.

I'ma go donate somethin' and get in on the action. Thanks for the clarification!

Dylan Couper
November 25th, 2005, 10:17 PM
Hey Robert, cool!

And the Wall Of Shame has been suspended for this one, just so people aren't intimidated about signing up.

Additionaly, you don't have to sign up to donate anything. If you feel like kicking in a couple bucks, go for it!


Fred Finn
November 28th, 2005, 08:33 PM
Ok i'm in... hopefully a better pursuit than my last attempt...

Jimmy Bustos
November 30th, 2005, 05:44 PM
The competition sounds fun I’ll join in.

Chris Barcellos
December 1st, 2005, 08:32 PM
Misread the sign up requirements. Can a person still join the contest ?

Mike Teutsch
December 1st, 2005, 10:32 PM
Misread the sign up requirements. Can a person still join the contest ?

Dylan said, "Yes," so join right in. Send your donation in!


Chris Barcellos
December 2nd, 2005, 01:39 AM
Dylan said, "Yes," so join right in. Send your donation in!


I sent my donation. When do I find out about theme ?

Chris Barcellos

Chris Barcellos
December 2nd, 2005, 01:55 AM
I sent my donation. When do I find out about theme ?

Chris Barcellos

Answered my own question. Spirit is with me...
