View Full Version : Problems with "combo" players and DVD-R?

George Odell
November 21st, 2005, 03:10 PM
Recently I've had two customers whom I made DVD-R's for from their tape originals come back and say they either had problems playing the discs or they would not play at all.

Upon futher discussion with them I learned they both had one of those "combo" units that have both a VHS deck and a DVD player side by side. They both said they only had the units a short time so they should be DVD-R compatible at least age wise. The discs all play fine on several test players I have so I know they are problem free.

For programs less than 1 hour I usually set my Pioneer recorder to the highest megabit rate... around 9 mb/s... for the best quality. I'm wondering if the cheaper set top players may choke on this high a data rate and this is why these low-cost combo units have issues??

Has anyone else had similar complaints or any thoughts on this one?


Richard Alvarez
November 21st, 2005, 03:54 PM

DVD-R's are pretty high in compatibility ratings, but not perfect. It's bound to happen. You might try lowering the data rate and giving them another copy. If that doesn't work, try different media, that's helped me sometimes.

Dan Euritt
November 22nd, 2005, 05:13 PM
what brand of media did you use, and what brand of dual-deck recorders do they have?