View Full Version : Bad fonts are killing my Mac!!

Jeff Carrion
November 21st, 2005, 10:41 AM
I just made the big mistake of installing hundreds of un-trustworthy fonts onto my mac (OS 10.3 Panther) and, shure enough, a lot of them are bad fonts and they are really screwing up my mac. Mail won't open unless address book is open, messages appear in strange symbols, crashing, freezing, all kinds of problems.
Is there a easy, and quick, way to delete all these bad fonts and just get back to square-one, leaving only the fonts that came with Panther on my mac?
By quick I mean is there a way to do it without manually going through the whole list in Font Book and deleting each bad font individually?


K. Forman
November 21st, 2005, 11:11 AM
I wish I could give you an answer, but the best I can do is feel your pain. I have a PC, and had an odd glitch occur. It seems the Klingon font I had installed, took over several applications. Every menu was in Klingon, which I can't even speak, let alone read. I do wish you luck with your buggy issue.

John C. Chu
November 21st, 2005, 04:29 PM

I feel your pain too.

Having too many fonts installed can cause your Mac to take twenty minutes to boot.

You can just deactivate a whole bunch of them and manually reactivate the ones you need.

Good luck.