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Jeff Cottrone
November 7th, 2006, 01:35 AM
dude, sorry to be the rain, but it's tough to compete with guys doing something like this:

Brian Duke
November 7th, 2006, 02:08 AM
I'm sorry, but I really don't get this either. What's the spoof? I didn't see anything funny there.

John Britt
November 7th, 2006, 03:11 PM
I'm not usually one to bump my own threads, but, well, you know... *bump*


John Holland
November 7th, 2006, 08:56 PM
Hey everyone,

Check out the brand new R&B music video by the very talented Solcetfre Project ft. William Trice (pronounced Soul – Set – Free). The video was produced by Green Bench Productions and directed by John Holland.

The video was shot with a DVX100B, two Lowel lighting kits and a Glidecam 2000 Pro. We had a budget of only $350. We shot at 5 locations (some we rearranged around to look differently) over the span of 3 days. I got about a total of 6 hours sleep between Friday morning and Sunday Night.

Feedback is appreciated!

Jacob Walker
November 8th, 2006, 11:06 AM
You want a funny spoof of "Your Beautiful".....

Cal Johnson
November 9th, 2006, 05:45 PM
Hey John, that's a lot of production value for $350. Lots of good looking shots. I think the only thing I didn't like was the Glidecam footage, it really dips from side to side too much for me, put that's just me. I get woozy easily watching that kind of stuff for some weird reason. Some nice lighting, good shot composition too. What did you use during shooting to do the lip sync?

Jay Kavi
November 9th, 2006, 07:27 PM
I agree. The shots looked great, especially the beach shots. I felt the editing was overdone at times, it seemed like you were copying some of the current video fads. The sometimes quick editing looked odd against the slower more deliberate cuts. also the artist did seem fully relaxed. Good video.

Sean Doherty
November 10th, 2006, 09:38 AM
The 2nd Annual Estes Park Film Festival is now accepting your film entries!

We are looking for the best independent feature films, documentaries, and short films in all genres. Films accepted into the festival will be eligible to compete for cash prizes up to $1,000, and a chance to attend one of the most exciting annual events in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado. To enter your film, please visit . If you have any questions, please e-mail us at . We hope to see you at the festival!

The Estes Park Film Festival will take place at The Historic Park Theatre September 14th through the 16th, 2007 with an awards ceremony on the final night! The Festival will showcase an amazing blend of independent feature length films, short films, and documentaries. Estes Park, Colorado, Gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park, is the perfect back-drop for a film festival. Millions of people visit each year to enjoy the shops, golf courses, beautiful mountain scenery, horseback riding, and numerous hiking trails. In addition to the films the Estes Park Film Festival will also serve as a fundraising event to help renovate and restore The Historic Park Theatre to its original cinematic elegance.

The Estes Park Film Festival is dedicated to providing a platform for filmmakers from around the world to screen their newest productions in the relaxing and creative atmosphere of Estes Park, Colorado. Our goal is to entertain, inspire, and advance a greater appreciation of independent film.

Entry Fees & Deadlines:

Early Submission Deadline: November 10th, 2006 – January 1st, 2007: $30 Features (Narrative or Documentary) / $25 Shorts / $20 Students

Regular Submission Deadline: January 2nd, 2007 – May 1st, 2007: $35 Features (Narrative or Documentary) / $30 Shorts / $25 Students

Late Submission Deadline: May 2nd, 2007 – June 1st, 2007: $40 Features (Narrative or Documentary) / $35 Shorts / $30 Students

Entries postmarked after the late deadline will not be accepted.
All student film entries must include a photocopy of a valid student I.D.

Emre Safak
November 10th, 2006, 09:57 AM
Are you on withoutabox?

Meryem Ersoz
November 10th, 2006, 10:08 AM
i gotta plug sean's festival. he does a wonderful job welcoming the producers. and estes park is a very pretty place to watch your film projected in an historic theater. this past year's event was great fun, unfortunately i had to drag two five-year-olds along, so i could not take maximum advantage of all the good times. but it's a terrific event.

Mark Howells
November 11th, 2006, 11:46 AM
I seem to be the only one here who cannot attract a comment. It looks a little embarrassing. Is it youtube or should I post a link to a better quality download?

Jay Kavi
November 11th, 2006, 11:49 PM

I didn't really understand it. the beginning didn't make much sense. I'm gonna watch it a few more times. Technically, the sound needed some work.

Chris Hocking
November 12th, 2006, 12:32 AM
Hey Mark,

I just watched your film then...

I think the story needed a bit more work. The concept seems a little shallow.

Never-the-less, it kept me interested for 3 minutes.


Steven Fokkinga
November 12th, 2006, 08:47 AM
Hi all,

We're editing some scenes for our weekly soap-opera/series about four students in Holland, and we have these two scenes where they're watching TV. Now we're looking for some material that is supposedly on that TV. It's only about the audio, as you don't see the TV from the front. Is there anyone that likes to have a bit of their production on there? It can be anything from a movie to a documentary to fake commercial or live event. We're not too picky as we don't have a lot of time/options. The only important thing is that you made it and didn't use any copyrighted music yourself of course...
Thank you very much in advance!


Marcin Wilczek
November 12th, 2006, 10:07 PM

John Holland
November 13th, 2006, 04:33 PM
Hey, thanks for the feedback guys!

I wish I could have traded some of those glidecam shots for dollies (especially outside at the beach, because it was extremly windy).

I pulled a bunch of favors from some friends to get all the locations for free (otherwise the video would have cost in the thousands).

Overall I learned a lot in this video, especially in the field of producing. In past videos I've never really gone outside of my city to shoot, but this time, we traveled everywhere, and the locations definitely helped the video out. I also got better in my directing during the duration of this video. In all, this was a great learning experience and I'm ready to apply what I got from this video to the next.

Next video shoot is in January!

Federico Martini Crotti
November 13th, 2006, 06:23 PM
Would like to invite anyone around the SF BayArea to stop by the screening (17th of November, 6:30PM, LaPeña Cultural Center, Berkeley) of my doc shot with an XL1 PAL, a couple years ago, competing within the Music Documentary Category of the 10th

movie site

quicktime trailer

I would also like to check out the HVX200 and stabilization systems in the San Fran area. Any recommendations for this?

Pat Welborn
November 13th, 2006, 08:22 PM
Hi all:

Newbie here. I am an independent artist making stock footage for video professionals. All of my work is available for free download.

The file formats are Quicktime - 768x576, 640x480, 320x240 - Motion JPEG-A @90% (29.97fps). These can be used for any purpose under a Creative Commons deed. I only ask to give credit when due, and do not take credit for my work.

I am an unemployed artist. If you would like to support this effort please check out


Andrew Kimery
November 14th, 2006, 01:48 AM
***The following is a shameless plug for a TV show I was an editor on***

The 10 Best & Worst Video Games of all Time will premiere on MTV on Nov 14th at 8pm. I don't know what it's officially called in your local channel guide, but it's listed as " Best & Worst Games" on

If you miss it that night I'm sure you can catch it again as it will air 16 times on MTV and MTV2.


Andrew Kimery
November 14th, 2006, 11:37 AM
I just found out we tossed the promo onto the website.


Mark Bournes
November 14th, 2006, 02:27 PM
Looks like a good show, I'll watch, BTW. I agree Donkey Kong is one of the best, I'm curious as to what else made the list. The editing looks good, fast paced, fit's the video game style. Nice job.

Andrew Kimery
November 14th, 2006, 07:31 PM
Thanks, Mark.

The show was a bit on the painful side to get out the door so hopefully it looks better than we felt when we finally put it to tape. ;)


Filipe Helder
November 14th, 2006, 08:47 PM
Hello, this is my first work (incomplete) made during the 4 Week Workshop of the NYFA in Portugal , I had 6 hours to record and 2 days for edit, but it is part of the workshop.
My final work was a documentary in portuguese
Sorry my English, I learned English in the InterNet(tutorials and with video tutorials :D
I go to Brazil to learn cinema in the next year, I never was university student

I made in Premiere and After effects in my computer, nyfa have final cut
Plug-n made in maya after
Camera : my sony Z1U

Michael Rapadas
November 14th, 2006, 09:43 PM
Please comment and enjoy this commercial I made for mountain dew on Current TV. Thanks for the support!

Philippe Messier
November 14th, 2006, 10:00 PM
Hi there,

Not bad at all...nice shots in there. One big mistake i ve seen...using the zoom on a tripod(or in every case for that matter...) is a big no-no. It really scream amateur unless it's perfectly done (which is really rare...).

Keep up the good work.


Mark Howells
November 15th, 2006, 03:27 AM
Thank you for taking the time to view the short and make comments. I really appreciate it.

I must preface my reply by stating that every aspect of the production was done by myself so without a crew or actors it would be near impossible to produce something with a professional sheen. The script was written with this autonomy in mind.

As I stated above I am truly grateful for the comments but it would have been nice to have a more balanced critique rather than just commenting on negatives. Otherwise, it gives the impression that the piece has no value which I certainly don't believe is the case.

I would be very interested in what elements of the sound required work.

Chris Hocking
November 15th, 2006, 04:45 AM
Sorry Mark! I didn't have time to write a detailed critique at the time.

I'll have another look tonight or tomorrow...


Ervin Farkas
November 15th, 2006, 08:46 AM
A bit too long for what it has to say, IMHO.

Phil Bloom
November 15th, 2006, 10:52 AM
shot with z1, m2 and nikon lenses

graded with nattress

Mack Fisher
November 15th, 2006, 06:44 PM

Solomon Chase
November 15th, 2006, 10:09 PM
That was great. Excellent use of DOF on a 1/3 chip camera. Pacing was good, and I though the lighting and contrast looked great on the closeups.

You should try messing around with selective channel blending for black and white. For example, the wide forest shots you might use just the red or blue channel for the grayscale image. (you may have already done that on some shots)

Mack Fisher
November 15th, 2006, 11:33 PM
I messed with a bit, but yeah alot of wide shots are flat.

Travis Binkle
November 15th, 2006, 11:51 PM
Are you looking for something with more spoken word or more of a music background?

Dylan Pank
November 16th, 2006, 06:11 AM
Try the moving image archive on They have lots of old public information films that are in the public domain. Be warned, many of the feature films that are listed as in the Public Domain are such in the US only - I got caught out when wanting to use sound sound from an old British film for a short. when I double checked, I found the rights were NOT P.D. in the UK.

The old Information films should be fine though. Don't think many of them are in Dutch though...

Otherwise, why not just record a production meeting and put some Garage Band or Acid loops over the top, and filter it to make it sound like TV?

Austin R. Hartman
November 16th, 2006, 01:14 PM
tell me what you think. Its sot so much a narrative short film as it is a look at two people who explore the fine line of fate and coincidence. Official Selection in the 5th Annual American Gem Short Screenplay Competition. Please pardon the low quality, this was shot on a Panasonic DVX and has a significantly higher resolution.
Starring: Sam Cori, Joey Scoma-Bertran
written and directed by Austin R. Hartman

please direct all comments to my e-mail:
and tell your friends.


Shane Coburn
November 16th, 2006, 07:53 PM
Accidental Machines, the new team video from Mindgame, is a unique blend of underground inline street skating and mockumentary storytelling. Join skaters Dustin Latimer, Aaron Feinberg, Chris Farmer, Brian Aragon, Billy O'Neill, Don Bambrick, and Ben Schwab as they work to finish their sections as co-owner, Shane Coburn, struggles to keep the company afloat long enough to release the DVD.

Shot with a range of DV and HDV cams from all over the world, Accidental Machines, is a gritty 56 min. montage of blood, sweat, and tears (of joy, of course). Written, directed, and edited by Shane Coburn.

Official site:

The DVD will be available for sale 11/18/06 at the following retailers:

Adam Barker
November 17th, 2006, 12:41 PM

I have a new video podcast which I've recently launched on iTunes. It's called "SILVER DRUM VIDEO"; and it consists of Wedding Videos, Corporate Videos, Music Videos and Experimental Projects. You are invited to check it out when you have a chance. Please feel free let me know what you think about it (good and bad).

My camera is a Sony HDR-HC1 and I use Final Cut Express HD 3.5 to edit.

To subscribe using iTunes, click here:


Mike Jensen
November 17th, 2006, 08:05 PM
Very nice!
How did you get the variations in the white flashes in the piece?

Michael Rapadas
November 18th, 2006, 01:17 PM
Hello! I just made a new short with my friends for fun and practice. Please comment and enjoy this one! thanks!

Gabriel Yeager
November 18th, 2006, 03:00 PM
Haha! Great job! It kept me entertained. Good choice of music, and great job on the editing. What did you use to edit and make the music?
Very nice job on the dolly/Steadycam. What did you use to get these shots, and what tripod?

Keep up the great work!

Brian Duke
November 18th, 2006, 05:11 PM
My two cents:

Overall it was pretty good, but I have thoughts that may improve it much more. Really like the opening, especially the editing. However, after the opening credits and scene it begins to slowdown, too much, to where I found myself not paying attention anymore. Still not sure what it is about, accept anger. BUT BUT, this can definitely be improved to something really good.

1. SOUND. Improve the sound, even if you have to do ADR. Sound is SO important and right now it has "student film" sound. Make it crisper. This is be the first step to make this much better.

2. EDITING. Cut in 1/2. The whole beginning promise a nice cool little FAST paced short, but immediately after lags. You can easily cut it in 1/2 and still keep the idea. Keep the fast passed editing up throughout the film, with cool zooms, pans, transitions, jumpcuts etc.

You will end up with a much better short. Right now you have a real quick interesting fast opening and then a real slow "rest of the short." Anyway, that;s all I have right now. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PROJECT.

Mack Fisher
November 18th, 2006, 07:59 PM
I keyframed a glow effect

Jeff Cottrone
November 19th, 2006, 02:05 AM
Okay, man, you caught me in such a good mood. I loved this right up to the cereal part. If you cut the cereal part and the muffin under the ice cubes and come up with an ending, this will really rock. I was so laughing. ROY!!!!

Werner Wesp
November 19th, 2006, 07:34 AM
My two cents:

Overall it was pretty good, but I have thoughts that may improve it much more. Really like the opening, especially the editing. However, after the opening credits and scene it begins to slowdown, too much, to where I found myself not paying attention anymore. Still not sure what it is about, accept anger. BUT BUT, this can definitely be improved to something really good.

1. SOUND. Improve the sound, even if you have to do ADR. Sound is SO important and right now it has "student film" sound. Make it crisper. This is be the first step to make this much better.

2. EDITING. Cut in 1/2. The whole beginning promise a nice cool little FAST paced short, but immediately after lags. You can easily cut it in 1/2 and still keep the idea. Keep the fast passed editing up throughout the film, with cool zooms, pans, transitions, jumpcuts etc.

You will end up with a much better short. Right now you have a real quick interesting fast opening and then a real slow "rest of the short." Anyway, that;s all I have right now. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PROJECT.

Couldn't agree more. After the fast paced opening my attention seemed to drop as well. Speed up a bit from then on. Improve sound by using better suited mics (this sounded like the one on your camcorder) and keep the background music running to 'filter' sound imperfections out.

Very cool steadicam/flycam shots. I like the motuion in your shots. What I like a lot less is the framing you end on with those shots (e.g. your main characters half in and half out of frame in total shots).

Ian Stark
November 19th, 2006, 05:21 PM
OK, this particular song is really not to my taste but I was paid a modest sum to make this video and, to be honest, we had an absolute blast shooting it.

The video reflects the light and airy poppiness of the song so don't expect too much in the way of deep and meaningful hidden imagery! It was commissioned by the very wealthy father of the performing duo as a fun project for his offspring to get involved in. I'm doing some corporate stuff for him so how could I refuse??

It was shot on one (long) cold October day (with the exception of a re-shoot of the opening restaurant scene, caused by stupidity on my part where I turned up the gain for some unknown reason!!). We used a Canon XL2 and the whole thing was edited in Sony Vegas 7 with the exception of one very brief chromakey shot which I worked on in After Effects. I guess I was editing for about a day in total (with the final render taking the best part of 12 hours on a 3.4GHz, 2Gb RAM pc!). Tons of colour correction!

I'm well aware of the numerous rough edges but to be honest I'm not going to be working on this one any further. The customer is over the moon because they don't need to think about what to get distant relatives for Christmas any more.

Still, this is only my second music video so I would welcome any honest opinions. Always plenty to learn from you guys.

Ian . . .

ps, as you can see, it's hosted on MySpace so quality is at a premium. I recommend you click the button second in from the bottom right to shrink the video to it's original size. Makes it look a lot cleaner, if slightly smaller.

Werner Wesp
November 20th, 2006, 02:26 AM
The subject is not something I'd watch, but I sat this one out - short enough and high paced. Nice... Always a gamble if some of the injuries will be lasting, eh? :-)

Glenn Davidson
November 20th, 2006, 02:52 AM
I liked it. Reminds me of an old Jeremy klein video I was watching the other day. Good work.

David Carter
November 20th, 2006, 03:13 AM
It plays as very dark on youtube. a problem I'm having myself at the moment. i was advised to up the gamma before uploading to the net which apparently will help it to retain its original look better... havent done it yet as my editing machine is down but thought I'd pass it on.

Zack Birlew
November 20th, 2006, 10:57 AM
Hey guys, I probably should have taken the opportunity to post this here a while ago but I didn't think of it until today. I entered the Apple Insomnia 24-hour film contest for students with my brother. We would have had more help but our friends and contacts were just too busy with other projects and schoolwork on the weekend the contest took place, it also didn't help that UNLV had its own 48-hour film contest the weekend before so I don't think they were prepared to do another contest right after the other.

But we worked pretty hard on it and we hope people enjoy it (even though the voice over is a little "blah", it's improvised and edited that way due to lack of time). In any case, here it is:

Shane Coburn
November 20th, 2006, 12:25 PM
The subject is not something I'd watch, but I sat this one out - short enough and high paced. Nice... Always a gamble if some of the injuries will be lasting, eh? :-)
Yeah, a lot of these guys have had some bad injuries, some resulting in surgeries, etc. One of the riders kept fracturing his foot during fiming and was unable to complete his section...happens. I suppose their lasting effects will depend on each person and how well they take care of themselves as they get older...

I liked it. Reminds me of an old Jeremy klein video I was watching the other day. Good work.
That's a nice compliment. Thanks. Even though I don't skateboard, I have followed the video side of that industry off an on over the years. Jeremy Klein always put out great sections, he and Heath Kirchart's section in "The End" being his opus.