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John Holland
October 21st, 2006, 07:26 PM
Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to the step show, but I heard that my video was well received.

Peter Koller
October 22nd, 2006, 10:45 AM
"On Evil Grounds" (aka "AUF BÖSEM BODEN", Feature, Canon Xl2 with P&S adapter, 85 min.)

Seeded: Summer 2005.

Plowed: 2006.

Harvest: Early 2007.

Moving images: Today.

Download. Now.


Windows Media (20MB):

MPEG-2 (26MB):

... alternate a Flash Video Version:

Cheers, Peter

Dennis Murphy
October 22nd, 2006, 12:47 PM
Trippy, hard-core... I like it.
Pity it wasn't subtitled, but I got the basic concept.

Andreas Rylander
October 22nd, 2006, 05:46 PM
I have made a new, twisted shortfilm that I thought I might share with you all! I hope some of you may enjoy it, it's a bit "Hannibal Lecter"-esque.. it was fun making this, if nothing else =)

High quality:

Slightly less amazing quality:

Then there is an ALTERNATIVE version where I get brutally murdered by a zombie too :P

Andreas Rylander

Emre Safak
October 22nd, 2006, 06:31 PM
I tried to watch the HQ version but consistently had network errors so I gave up. I hope it was a problem on my end. The little bit that I did see was well-shot.

Andreas Rylander
October 22nd, 2006, 06:40 PM
Yes, sadly my server is a tad bit unreliable - though it should be functional now, I believe! Just keep trying =)

So glad to hear you liked the shots that you did see, I am nervous about being the cameraman, as it is not really what I consider my primary competence - So I was overwhelmed to hear that you considered what you saw well shot! Hopefully you get to see the whole thing, and I hope you find it amusing =)

Have a good day =)

Mike Horrigan
October 23rd, 2006, 11:23 AM
I liked it! The lighting needs improvement in some of the shots but overall it was very good. Funny stuff!

Well done...

Giuseppe Palumbo
October 23rd, 2006, 04:13 PM
i just finished this music video for a local artist "A-Bomb". The song is titled "why".
Filmed with my xl2 and edited with Vegas 6.
Used AE6.5 for the rain in the beginning and end of video. Tell me what you think of it guys.
(Right click and save target as)

Sheldon Blais
October 24th, 2006, 07:42 AM
I thought it was cool. Great clarity on the video, and good use of the flash transition.....

Not very interesting, but not many performance driven videos are.....

Phil Bloom
October 24th, 2006, 04:29 PM

sorry for cross post but thought it might be of interest here...

Mike Andrade
October 24th, 2006, 06:23 PM
Good use of lighting and as Sheldon said the clarity was great. What frame rate and shutter did you shoot at? Also what settings did you use in term of the look?

Daniel Boswell
October 24th, 2006, 06:23 PM

sorry for cross post but thought it might be of interest here...

That was quirky cool and looked fantastic aesthetically. (that woman dancer cracked me up)


- What other filters did you use besides Nattress to get that look? The colors were phenomenal.

- which 35 mm adapter did you use for the a1?

Great looking footage. Its hard to believe it was shot with an A1. I have FXs and use Nattress and my footage looks no where near that filmic.

Mike Andrade
October 24th, 2006, 07:05 PM
This looks really interesting. I dig your style. Did you use any specific settings for the Xl2 to get that look?

Giuseppe Palumbo
October 24th, 2006, 07:09 PM
It was filmed at 1/48 shutter in 24p On my Xl2.
Off hand I really cant think of the settings i used, Are you reffering to In-camera settings or in terms of CC? Thanks for the Replies as well.

Mike Andrade
October 24th, 2006, 09:03 PM
In terms of custom presets in the XL2. Just wondering if you did anything special.

Phil Bloom
October 25th, 2006, 03:34 AM
Thanks a lot!

The 35mm DOF adaptor I use is the Letus35 flip enhanced. It's a great piece of kit, I thoroughly recommend it. I used it with different Nikon manual SLR lenses.

In camera I had black stretch on and cinematone 1. I also upped the colours by 1 notch.

In the edit I used Natress fast de-interlace smart blend. A slight reduction in gamma, squashed the blacks a little bit more and upped the saturation by about 15% to get that effect.

I didn't use any optical filters for any of it.


Peter Koller
October 25th, 2006, 06:10 AM
Thanks for the kind words!


Except that we used a mini35 adapter and the ocassional ND filter, there were no special settings to achieve the look except for trying to get the most neutral image on tape so we could have as much as possible headroom for the color correction - and it is CC where all of the look comes from.

Cheers, Peter

PS: Well our most special setting of the cam was our DOP Marcus Stotz - great cinematographer!

Cal Johnson
October 25th, 2006, 12:20 PM
Peter, that looks great! You're DOP is awesome! I love seeing stuff like this. As people speculate and debate about SD/HD, RED, which camera to buy, blah blah, people like you just plow right through all the crap and get on to making great looking images! That's got to be some of the best Mini DV footage I have ever seen. Just shows what can be accomplished. Well done!

Robert Graf
October 25th, 2006, 04:04 PM

I recently finished a stop-motion short with Maroon Films, located in De Pere, Wisconsin. It runs 2min 45sec.

The video will require Flash 7 or newer (everyone should be running Flash 9 because of some important security updates anyway). I will post some WMV, MOV, and RM options before this weekend.


G. Scott Roberts
October 25th, 2006, 04:56 PM
video was great, love the stop-motion effects! slight hand reflection in window, but overall great. Go Packers!

G. Scott Roberts
October 25th, 2006, 05:05 PM
Wanted to see it but all 3 of the links are now dead.

Robert Graf
October 25th, 2006, 05:31 PM
Thanks for the comments. I'm not much into football myself over here as I'm busy working on lots of projects like this. :)

I did notice the hand quite a while back, but I haven't had time to fix it yet. It's subtle, but it's there. I do regret not using my polarizer filter for that particular shot, so now I will have to fix it in post when I can get a chance.

Later! and Happy Early Halloween!

Scott Devlin
October 25th, 2006, 05:48 PM
I finished editing for the Emery/TV-U music video competition. Here is my result...

Brian Farris
October 25th, 2006, 10:40 PM
So we've been trying to get into doing commercials and we finally got our break. This is the first for real commercial I've ever done, so lemme know what you guys think!!

We took the pictures in our studio, and then just moved the pictures around in Final Cut Pro. Our sound guy did the music in Logic Express.

Steve Maller
October 25th, 2006, 11:05 PM
it looks and sounds great! congrats...

Jeff Emery
October 25th, 2006, 11:06 PM
I think you did a fine job. 30 seconds sure goes by quick when you're trying to convey a message, doesn't it?


Sonny Costin
October 26th, 2006, 03:32 AM
this is just a mock up experimental video i shot testing out the Z1

any opinions would be great. Thanks

Cal Johnson
October 26th, 2006, 10:51 AM
Lots of good cutting there Scott, good luck with the competition!

Ivan Egorov
October 26th, 2006, 11:06 AM
Right-click the link and select "Save target as..." to download, 45mb XviD AVI
Waiting for your comments, thanks!

Mike Horrigan
October 26th, 2006, 11:56 AM
Great job! I really liked the look and feel of the video. It went perfectly with the song...

Well done!

Who's idea was it for the "backstory" of the video with the little kids?

Mack Fisher
October 26th, 2006, 05:07 PM
Made this for fun of a friend getting a tattoo

Cal Johnson
October 26th, 2006, 06:12 PM
That looks great Mack, I really like the quick cut of where he's wincing, fits in really well with the pacing and the music. I kind of wish you would have held that last shot longer, it was a great looking shot. But, on the other hand, it made me watch it again.

Your stock footage reel looks great too! Are you in Seattle? I live in Portland.

Mack Fisher
October 26th, 2006, 06:15 PM
Thanks for the kind words. Yes I am in Seattle.

Chris Donnelly
October 26th, 2006, 09:44 PM

Marcus Marchesseault
October 27th, 2006, 03:50 AM
The visual images in "Choke" are quite good. The lighting and color balances have a definite dramatic, professional look. If I were to critique, I would say that rack focus may have been overused a bit. Nobody would really notice it, but I always feel effects should be conservative. This is simply my personal taste. I'll get back to you later on the other video. It's bedtime in the Pacific.

October 27th, 2006, 06:03 AM
Is Brightcove the next big thing for distribution?

I think it will be.

Oleg Kalyan
October 27th, 2006, 04:38 PM
Ivan, Privet, I am in Moscow now re-editing a clip shot on $40k budget, on 35 mm, viewing yours, can give you my comments:
beginning-good, nice lighting, good style, lead rapper has very interesting presence and cinematic face...till you get to closeup of the girl's face, when out of focus, she's good, when it's perfectly in focus, she is not confident enough, 0;13, the dude has pimples on his face, (sorry dude) what is the purpose of emphasizing that?
Very good (all in style) till 0;37, the girl seem to be uncomfortable in that shot...
0;45 another setup, lots of problems with lens glare, cheap WA adapter? Don't like dude in white scarf, overacting, he is not in the tone of lead rapper... 0:53 dude on the left, seem uncomfortable, (not his fault, bad directing)... tiger, love it, slow down on that... cut away dude with his tongue licking, looks like home porno...
1;11 girls shaking butts, not enough lighting, shows cellulite, cut it... good till 1.48, don't see lots of problems, that are present in first part...cut all butt grabbing stuff, it's bad lit, bad acting..looks like home video.. OK problems with glare) till 2;05, take this girl out..Playboy thing in the mouth, don't like it 2;15 and elsewhere, don't want to see butt with pimples, I'd slow down all the stuff with the tiger, from production value, it's probably best thing... Over all, good style, good editing, considering probably low budget...if you work a little on that piece it can be really good, I like the song by the way, ...
Regards, and best, Oleg.

Jesse Redman
October 27th, 2006, 10:51 PM
Here is the link to my latest animated video:

Let me know what you think!

Joe Winchester
October 27th, 2006, 11:36 PM
Great looking stuff, man!

Keep us informed on the release date, I'm looking forward to it!

Oleg Kalyan
October 28th, 2006, 01:46 AM
Reeally liked the befinning.. could have been a beginning for the movie, till you get to the knife, different mono coloration was not clear, till you got to greener stuff, was eye pleasing again... essence of fear is a great subject matter to discover...

Ivan Egorov
October 28th, 2006, 04:42 AM
whoa, ogo-go! gotta work with that!
but to me, 1-night edits aint no good, Im hoping to work on it later

What are you up to, Oleg?

Oleg Kalyan
October 28th, 2006, 08:19 AM
Ivan, I am tied up with few projects, as I wrote before, re editing music video, for upcoming female singer, Sony is backing her up... Also have to fihish up couple of high budget weddings that I shot in Moscow.
would like to take some time off to fly to LA, have not had vacation for quite a while...
Regads, Oleg,

Aviv Hallale
October 28th, 2006, 08:29 AM
Holly wakes without a memory in an unfamiliar place. Confronted with figures who obviously know more about the situation than she does, she tries to make sense of the world around her. A place where all is not as it seems, and is slowly falling apart. Can Holly save herself and those trying to help her before it's too late and they slip between the cracks of the in-between?

This is a first year student movie, created by a crew with no prior experience. I edited it.

Shot with an DVX100. Edited with Premiere Pro 2.0

I Wish You Could Smile performed by Stoa and written by Black Tape For A Blue Girl. Rest of the music by me.


Jesse Redman
October 28th, 2006, 11:03 AM
Comments? Thoughts?

Ben Winter
October 28th, 2006, 11:31 AM
Hey Jesse,
The animation is a bit juvenile, but the idea is cool. I think if you added some bezier curves to the camera path instead of straight hard changes, and maybe dressed up the house to look like a real house, it would be really neat.

Ivan Egorov
October 28th, 2006, 01:02 PM
Oh, thats neat. Thanks for the comments, nice if you could hook me up somehow.

Rafael Lopes
October 28th, 2006, 02:16 PM
Hey, that was nice. What did you use for lightning and color correction?

Scott Devlin
October 28th, 2006, 04:45 PM
Great job! I really liked the look and feel of the video. It went perfectly with the song...

Well done!

Who's idea was it for the "backstory" of the video with the little kids?

Thanks for the comments/feedback guys. It was my idea - i wanted to convey the idea of the song, which is promoting sexual purity and making note that kids are trying to grow up too fast/do too much too soon. I wanted to do it in a way that was innocent, clean, and would make people think.

Oleg Kalyan
October 29th, 2006, 03:19 AM
I enjoyed the clip, really well done, couple of things, slow zoom at the beginning on lead singer, no for me, further you never have this kind of movement..continuity of the style...I really like the look of the video...just a though about style, to create juxtopposition maybe kids can have a softer, dreamier look as opposed to gritty look of the band, in all shots when they appear, in some shots you've done it. I loved that dolly move of the singer back, with band members still.. A shot at 2;52 not clear, (then you can see it's a girl) could be positioned in a 1/3 of the screen..
Keep good work :)

Baris Ustun
October 29th, 2006, 01:29 PM

the link did not work for me.
can you check it if there's any problem ?