Andzei Matsukevits
November 17th, 2005, 10:47 AM
VX 2100's camera manual says that lowest temperature must be something around 0 celcius. But it is way too warm, here it gets sometimes around -15C and i know many people still useing cameras at that temp. So, how can i bring my camera from cold outside temp to warm room temp avoiding breaking the camera. I was thinking about to put camera into plastic bag with zip lock before entering and after 30 min warming up take it out of bag. What u think?
Marcus Marchesseault
November 19th, 2005, 06:17 AM
I have a Doskocil (Pelican knockoff) airtight case. I avoid the problem of walking from a cold air-conditioned room into Hawaii's humidity. It is essentially the same thing, but I get to wear comfy clothes instead! :) I would add that you might want to put the camera in some sort of insulating material like a towel to make the temperature transition more slowly. I doubt that thermal expansion is a significant issue, but a slow warm-up wouldn't hurt and the insulation would help cut down on condensation.