View Full Version : Broken Lav....Fixes??

Steve Leone
November 17th, 2005, 08:46 AM
hi...I have an AT-803B omni lav...I seem to have a short in the capsule.....movement makes a lot of noise and intermittient loud 60 cycle hum.....any way to fix this?? is it worth fixing?? if not, would it be possible to reuse the power supply?? I know power supplies are anywhere from $129 and up....would it be possible to wire say a T4F connector onto the supply and use it with a Sennheiser MK2-4, for instance?? just hate to toss the whole thing in the trash...

Ty Ford
November 17th, 2005, 12:26 PM
AT has a very good repair policy; always has.

Contact them directly.

Ty Ford