View Full Version : inexpensive lighting kit

Mark Pettograsso
November 14th, 2005, 08:09 PM
i am in need of a fairly inexpensive lighting kit to film some interviews indoors.....I know there are a ton of kits out there......but...any suggestions on proven lits under $1000?????
i am aware of the work lights and shower curtains etc....but i'm looking to get a little more professional looking equipment.


Jean-Philippe Archibald
November 14th, 2005, 09:10 PM
There is many options up to you... Britek, Lowell, JTL, or some more pro stuff second hand...

Personnally I can recommend Briteks lights from Rostronics. First, you get a lot for the money, and second, Tom at rostronics is a wonderful guy who offer the best service.

Do a search here and you will find plenty of other advices.

Richard Alvarez
November 14th, 2005, 09:35 PM
Briteks are good. Lowels' are a good value USED. (Note, one 'L' at the end of Lowel)

On Ebay, two decent kits right now for under a grand.

Shawn Redford
November 15th, 2005, 12:35 AM
The Lowel stands are terrible. Try getting the stands via Amvona and buying the Lowel lights seperately.

Richard Veil
November 17th, 2005, 12:19 PM
Maybe look at

Chimera 8000 or 8005 kit- now you have nice soft light
Avenger convertable boom A475b? not sure.. convertable boom.
Some kind of fold up reflector with white and silver, lastolite, westcott 42in?
A holder for the above reflector to mount on stand

Chimera lightpanel kits are great but any reflector that is flat works

Now u have ane awesome boom and a regular great lightstand from the 8000 kit and you can put your reflector on either on.. or your 24x32 lightbank

Then... now next month you look at ARRi or Mole 650 fresnel and maybe another stand. Depends.. C stands are nice, maybe another avenger like you got with the Chimera Kit.

What do you have now??- Wow let look!!

A boom for your new fresnel to use as a hair light
A stand for your reflector
And a 24x32 Chimera lightbank with grids sitting in your studio on location

And all will almost fit in the carry bag you get with the Chimera kit.. the boom is too big closed like 4 ft but the best

And you know what.. everything goes to use...
And you ROCK! and you will rock for years and years....

Thats my two cents but I am always a penny short

Mark Pettograsso
May 9th, 2006, 01:42 PM
very good help from everyone....thank you.

Guy Cochran
May 9th, 2006, 05:16 PM
The Lowel stands are terrible. Try getting the stands via Amvona and buying the Lowel lights seperately.

Hi Shawn,

When you say "terrible" are you referring to the old silver style Lowel stands or the newer darker colored Uni Stands?

Lower discontinued the silver Uni-stand around the year 2000. So if you find them used, they may be the old style and you're right, those stands didn't fair well with abuse - especially the knobs. However, I don't think the newer revised stands deserve the old reputation. For what it's worth, I helped spec out the Lowel DV Creator Kits and I believe they are still the number one selling light kit in the world. For the past 6 years we have been selling a few kits per week all over the world without a single complaint. The new stands also include a Five Year warranty.