View Full Version : vx2000 or pd150... or something altogether different?

Karl Weimer
December 20th, 2001, 04:17 AM
Let me re-phrase this.. is it practical to tape a screen? If no, why?

Don Donatello
December 21st, 2001, 12:12 AM
YES.. for BEST sound use external mic on the sales rep ...and camera pointed at screen ...
after you might want to get some shots of the sales rep ..either have them repeat lines or just get reaction shots ...

or you could do a split screen ? 1/2 screen- computer screen ..other 1/2 sales rep ..but this would take some scriting ..and you have to tape screen and person separate

you'll have to find a shutter speed and a HZ for the monitor to get rid of scan bar ... i use 1/75 shutter on GL ..and set monitor to 75hz refresh rate