View Full Version : Boo! (a video podcast)

John Clisham
November 11th, 2005, 01:02 AM
Hi All,

I’m a big fan of the forum and wanted to jump in and share a few links to my site. I’ve been shooting with the XL2 lately (not a bad cam) and am looking forward to the Panasonic HVX200.

Since September, I’ve been posting a new video every week. It’s part of a video podcast I’ve been doing called “Boo!” It’s just a bunch of short spooky movies (that’ll hopefully make you laugh).

Here’s a link to this week’s episode:

Here’s a link to the Podcast (in iTunes)

Here’s a link to all the videos:

Rob Lohman
November 11th, 2005, 03:41 AM
Hi John, welcome aboard (H), good to have you with us!

Sean McHenry
November 11th, 2005, 09:01 AM
Nice shooting. Watched one here at work this morning. Decent I must say. (Did that sound like Ed Grimley?)

You will have to join us for DVC4. Check the main catagories and come join us...join us John...join us...

Sean McHenry

Kris Holodak
November 21st, 2005, 10:41 AM

Great work! I downloaded the most recent one just to see and then subscribed to get them all. They looked good on my computer. We just got a video ipod at work to run some tests and start delivering our own videos that way. I'm looking forward to loading yours up to see how they look in that format. One expects the Pixar videos to look great with the sort of time and money they can spend on such things. I want to know how easy or hard it is for us regular folks to make something that looks good. How long did it take you to find a compression setting you liked?
