View Full Version : New Guy from New Hampshire

Stephen Claus
November 10th, 2005, 04:49 PM
I just wanted to say: this forum really rocks!! I've been hanging around for about a year and I couldn't take it anymore--I just HAD to sign up. This place is a goldmine for info about the complex, challenging, exciting and constantly evolving world of DV. I hope that someday I can give back a little something myself.

A little background: I've been dabbling with film/video production off and on since I made a stop-motion animated super-8mm film in junior high school (circa '82--yes, I lean toward the older end of this forum.)

In the mid '90s I played around with Hi-8 "linear" editing (or is it "non-non-linear"?) Having actually owned a Canon L-1, Videonics MX-1, Sony Hi-8 deck, etc. (I'm sure a few of you old-school guys remember that stuff.) The highlight of that period was I actually got paid to make a promotional video for a friend's business, which has been seen all over the world. Unfortunately, after a very short period of time, I had to sell my equipment due to financial reasons.

I bought my first DV camera in 2001 and my first Mac in early 2002. I went with a Sony digital 8 (model trv-730) mostly because I had a lot of Hi-8 tapes laying around already! I bought a 15" Powerbook due to the influence of a buddy who had recently "made the switch" and because I fell in love with that beautiful screen! And so I had the minimum requirements to start making digital videos--a digital camcorder and iMovie.

I've spent the last 3-4 years making mostly family videos and stuff for my church. Now people that have seen my work in church are starting to appoach me for paid jobs (THEY'RE coming to ME!) Tip: a church is a great place to find wedding jobs!

After milking about all I could from the Powerbook and iMovie, I upgraded to an iMac G5 and Final Cut Express in January of this year. Now I'm preparing to upgrade my camera. I'm leaning toward the Sony FX-1, but whatever I decide to buy, my decision will be heavily influenced by

Rob Lohman
November 11th, 2005, 03:39 AM
Welcome aboard (H) Stephen, good to have you with us! Thanks for
the introduction and sorry for the late welcome.