View Full Version : Any showings of the Canon this week or next in LA?

Gary McClurg
November 10th, 2005, 01:28 PM
I missed the camera at Birns and Sawyer on Tuesday...

I wasn't sure if the camera was at HDExpo but I was doing a shoot that weekend so I had to make sure everything was running smooth... between the rentals of grip, lighting, camera and Fischer Dolly...

Then of course on Tuesday I had to take care of the missing whips that cost about $200 bucks each with the grip house that weren't missing...

An I'm knocking on wood that I'll still be in California for DVExpo...

So if anyone hears of the camera being shown before I leave the Golden State that would be great... actually the LA area...

Thanks, Gary

Nick Hiltgen
November 10th, 2005, 02:43 PM
Hey I heard that the camera's begin to arrive on the 18th, so I imagine that there will be some sort of demo at B+S or Bandpro showing off the new camera.

Charles Papert
November 10th, 2005, 04:04 PM
It wasn't at HDExpo, no worries there. Canon was only showing broadcast lenses.

Gary McClurg
November 19th, 2005, 10:48 PM
Was wondering if anyone heard anything about another demo...

I'm calling B&S on Monday see if they have any further word...

Like to see it... haven't been able to see Kaku's (bad spelling most likely) footage because I'm currently in California using my sisters pc that isn't the greatest...

She's still running Windows 95 but for her that's good enough...

Thanks once again...
