View Full Version : GL2 Focus Issues

Kenneth Richmond
November 10th, 2005, 01:13 PM
Hi all,

I purchased my GL2 a couple of weeks back and had to return after a week. All was working fine until I attached a wide angle lens, after I removed the lens the camera would no longer focus. If I reattached the wide angle lens focus was ok. I contactd the canon and was told it would need service (sounds like the focus servo has gotten stuck in wide angle mode). Luckilly I was with in my return window and was able to exxchange with no problem.

Has anyone experienceed or know of this problem. I am sketical about reattaching the wide angle lens on the exchange item, it came with an accessory pack I purchased off of ebay.

Ken Tanaka
November 10th, 2005, 01:55 PM
Welcome, Kenneth. Sorry to read of your trouble.

I strongly suspect that the problem had no direct relationship with attaching a wide adapter to the lens, as that's a purely manual adapter.