View Full Version : Power suggestions needed!

John Locke
September 17th, 2001, 05:21 AM
Hi everyone,

This is a really basic question...but I can't find anything that gives the "bottom line" on what I should do.

I have an XL-1. I'm planning on buying a Frezzi Mini-Fill light, and a wireless Mic and transmitter (not sure which brand yet), and shotgun mic soon. I already have the Varizoom TFT monitor.

Here's the question...what is the best way to power all of these things at the same time? What do the pros use? Is a belt the best method? If so, does it allow you to connect multiple accessories like the ones mentioned above. Is voltage a factor? What brands do you recommend?

I've seen "bricks" and "belts" and "on camera" batteries mentioned...but they always are designed to power the one accessory they accompany. I can't imagine carrying around different batteries for each accessory.

Thanks for any info.


John Locke
September 18th, 2001, 12:42 PM
Okay...I'll send a free jar of authentic Korean Kimchi to anyone who'll answer my question above!

Man! This is uncanny! I've asked this same question in several different message boards, sent a query to three...count 'em...three online photo/video retailers, searched high and low for English info here in Korea...

...yet nary a response or bit of information to be had! Is there such a thing as a jinxed question? Should I just consider gluing batteries to my fishing cap and plug everything in there?


Robert R Gallegos
September 18th, 2001, 03:37 PM
... however, I'm also in the same boat. I would like to power multiple components off of one battery console... One might need to rig a custom support.

Question? Which FREZZI Light are using and why?

Chris Hurd
September 18th, 2001, 03:57 PM
Here's how I would power John's setup of camera, light, monitor and wireless mic.

camera: with its own battery.
wireless receiver: with its own battery.
light & monitor: with a belt-style battery pack with two power outlets.

Plenty of battery belts have at least two outlets -- check out Bescor, Cool-Lux and NRG for examples...

John Locke
September 19th, 2001, 02:19 AM
Chris, check your mailbox for the kimchi! Hope you like it.

Really, thanks. The one thing that bothers me is how big the Frezzi battery is. With the camera battery mounted on the MA-100 bracket (I use the Canon double battery pack), not sure where I could put the Frezzi brick.

Seems like this is an accessory that's needed. Why not make a lightweight multi-plug juncture that can be attached to the camera body somewhere, that connects to a single coiled cable which plugs into a battery belt? You'd only need to plug in and unplug the one cable into the belt. You could power maybe three or four things all from the same source. Something to think about.

John Locke
September 19th, 2001, 02:27 AM
Me, too. But not many others do.

Robert, the Frezzi light I'm planning on buying is the Mini-Fill with Dimmer. The dimmer function is the best feature. I'll also be sure to get the filter that converts the light to daylight balance. They also have other accessories that might come in handy like barn doors, and a soft box. Except for the huge battery they recommend, it's really small, has lots of ventilation slits to keep it from getting too, too hot...and, of course, the dimmer switch. Their home page is, I think.

I'll look for ways around mounting a battery of that size on the camera. If I can find a solution, I'll order one right away.

By the way...can't take credit for choosing the Frezzi. Chris suggested it earlier. Before his suggestion, I was looking at a Cool-Lux light...ready to buy, in fact. The Cool-Lux looked good...and is much more affordable. But I was sold on the dimmer switch.

Since I've been shopping for a light, I've noticed the equipment carried by the press in movies (you know, the scenes when they're pressing around someone for an interview). You'd be surprised how many times you'll see a Mini-Fill. It must be good for it to be so popular...especially considering it isn't exactly laying around on shelves in stores. Almost every dealer I've talked to says they'll have to special order it.

Mike Bebber
September 20th, 2001, 08:40 AM
Hi zchildress;

I just read your post about you buying an XL1 and realized you are in Seoul. I Just got a new XL1s and I am in Uijongbu near Camp Red Cloud. We should get together and talk. If you would like you can contact me at or call 001 9681 3252.


Mike Bebber

John Locke
September 20th, 2001, 11:41 AM

I'll send you a message now. Check your e-mail.

Mike Bebber
September 21st, 2001, 08:20 PM

I did not receive the e-mail you said you sent. Please try again

Mike Bebber

Robert R Gallegos
September 23rd, 2001, 09:53 PM

Thanks for the light information. I will probably purchase the FREZZI mini-fill as well.

September 23rd, 2001, 11:46 PM
I have the FREZZI Mini-Fill with Dimmer. Its a great Light. But there batteries are hi in cost. I found the site the has the NP batteries for 69 bucks where FREZZI sells there's for $115.
Here's the link.
Also this place has the 4 Channel Charger with built in discharger for NP-type and BP type NiCd Batteries and NP-type NiMH Batteries. The i400.
I talk to FREZZI about this charger and it dose the same thing as there. FREZZI's cost like 800 buck this one G&G has is selling for $299 I picked up 2 of them. Here's the link.

May 29th, 2002, 07:34 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by MTC FILMS : I have the FREZZI Mini-Fill with Dimmer. Its a great Light. But there batteries are hi in cost. I found the site the has the NP batteries for 69 bucks where FREZZI sells there's for $115.
Here's the link.
Also this place has the 4 Channel Charger with built in discharger for NP-type and BP type NiCd Batteries and NP-type NiMH Batteries. The i400.
I talk to FREZZI about this charger and it dose the same thing as there. FREZZI's cost like 800 buck this one G&G has is selling for $299 I picked up 2 of them. Here's the link. -->>>

Now that some time has passed, I was curious if you were satisfied with these batteries and the charger?

Bruce Moore
May 29th, 2002, 10:17 PM
Don't want to be a party pooper, but I think everything running off 1 battery is called in most industries as a "Single Point of Failure".
Iprefer everything to have its own battery, I know what each draws in power and therefore will not be surprised to find out nothing works because let's say the light draws too much power and now nothing works.
My lectrosonic uhf uses 9v
the XL-1 uses 7.2v
shotgun mic 1.5v
light ?v
I think it would be wise to keep the right voltage with the right item, since I don't think any of them have fuses.

Kimchi mild (not too old)please


Charles Papert
May 30th, 2002, 12:47 AM

Most Betacam setups that I have seen and/or used run everything off a single battery; camera, onboard light, wireless receivers, you name it. This allows for only having to carry multiples of one type of battery, charger etc., and not having to check multiple power readouts.

There's no reason why the same thing could not be emulated in an XL1 (Chris, it pains me to disagree with you, but yet I must!). Using a "12v" battery (these days, most have been replaced with either 13.2 or 14.4v packs), all of the above items can be accomodated. The XL1 requires the commonly available adaptors to run off 12v, the onboard lights including the Frezzi are nominally 12v, the wireless mikes CAN run on 9v but are able to accept 12v as well. Mikes that require phantom power must be accomodated seperately--I'm not educated as to the step-down boxes available.

Bruce, rather than consider this a "single point of failure", it is actually more of a guarantee that you will not end up with audio going down or the light failing or the camera dying independently. By keeping an eye on that single battery (many have onboard gauges these days), you know that everything is chugging along.

NP1's are certainly cheap, but it is highly recommended that you avoid the 12v nominal versions, definitely get the 13.2v. I think that 14.4v batteries may run too hot for this level of gear which does not have fuses, since they can come off the charger at up to 17v, which is scary. Anton Bauer or PAG are even better choices, more available juice, but certainly more costly. Even with the onboard light burning, you'll get plenty of runtime out of this sort of setup!

The only tricky thing is having multiple power outputs from these setups. I don't believe they are sold stock, it would require some customizing. The Anton Bauer mounts have a two-pin outlet separate from providing power through to the camera; it would not be too difficult to make up a splitter pigtail that would provide power for the light and the receiver from this, for instance.