Phil Henicie
February 27th, 2025, 12:03 PM
Me yes! So some people talks about speed of editing (means making more money!), some others propose me to be oblige to learn and apply a new way of working! My desire to play my life and play now without learning anything to get computer wich less ergonomic is. The controllers wich already exists for virtual editing? for a few hundred dollars only!!! Ohohoh! Really? let me laugh: no one responds well as the one I knew before... and more, they fragile are too. What I am talking here is about comfort lost and never found again since this virtual world where we can do really all but at the Low Price ( I avoid to tell "At Low Cost price". Maybe I don't want to waste a single second of my life on machines that don't respond to my reactivity and no time to loose to learn a secretarian "video" job. Sorry, guys, I need a minimum of quality and comfort to do this job or I'm not having fun anymore! To do everything from a single keyboard wich is monopolizing all functions and all tasks…, I am leaving you to your LOW COST EDITINGS , your PULL DOWN MENUS, tabs and sub-tabs (and menus and sub-menus and… don’t forget to tap and retap your lovely mouse. Let's touch her, she really like it). A “fake” virtual jog or even a numeric physical jog will never be as tactile like what was done before. I’m changing job. Best regards guys.
Brian Drysdale
February 27th, 2025, 12:35 PM
There is a project underway to reintroduce the Lightworks console (for this NLE). The plan is to have a lite version, at a lower cost and a high end version, with high quality components, which can withstand a life in the professional environment. Earlier versions are still working, some being over 20 years old.
The cost of the lite version compares to other controllers, and the higher end version, while more expensive, is a lot cheaper than the original console because it's no longer injection moulded.
Christopher Young
March 3rd, 2025, 06:35 AM
Me yes! So some people talks about speed of editing (means making more money!), some others propose me to be oblige to learn and apply a new way of working! My desire to play my life and play now without learning anything to get computer wich less ergonomic is. The controllers wich already exists for virtual editing? for a few hundred dollars only!!! Ohohoh! Really? let me laugh: no one responds well as the one I knew before... and more, they fragile are too. What I am talking here is about comfort lost and never found again since this virtual world where we can do really all but at the Low Price ( I avoid to tell "At Low Cost price". Maybe I don't want to waste a single second of my life on machines that don't respond to my reactivity and no time to loose to learn a secretarian "video" job. Sorry, guys, I need a minimum of quality and comfort to do this job or I'm not having fun anymore! To do everything from a single keyboard wich is monopolizing all functions and all tasks…, I am leaving you to your LOW COST EDITINGS , your PULL DOWN MENUS, tabs and sub-tabs (and menus and sub-menus and… don’t forget to tap and retap your lovely mouse. Let's touch her, she really like it). A “fake” virtual jog or even a numeric physical jog will never be as tactile like what was done before. I’m changing job. Best regards guys.
What are you editing on? If you want the tactile feel of a jog search knob and mark in mark out and trim functions like the older tape based edit controllers, Davinci Resolve can offer you that with a choice of three different edit controllers. The "Speed Editor" is basically that. A hardware interface to files as opposed to RS422 tape machines. Minimal mouse work for the actual cutting process. Grant Petty, BM's CEO specifically got his team to develop these hardware editing interfaces as he himself comes from a jog / shuttle background and wanted that option available.
No matter how fast you are as an editor, you can't get away from the fact that if you have a 5-second pre-roll and a 2-second post roll on an average 600 cut drama, you end up with 70 minutes of totally dead unproductive time. And that is without one pre-view edit. Start previewing edits and start adding up more dead time. Great, if you can get away with billing the clients for it.
One client I won came to me from a well known production house because he was getting put off by the amount of time his programs were taking to cut. He said one of their editors previewed virtually every edit. He suggested the company should change its name to "Pre-view Productions". I had to laugh at that!
I went through nearly all the hardware edit controllers over forty years and now work almost 100% on the keyboard for the most. The bulk of your common edit commands are available as keyboard commands. Learn them and the mouse becomes pretty secondary other than for colour grading.
Chris Young