David Evans
September 22nd, 2024, 10:12 AM
Hi guys, i just directed and wrote a new short film and I'd really appreciate some feedback.
Hope you enjoy it.
Vimeo / CAPTCHA Challenge
Pass: apo2023
David Evans
October 20th, 2024, 07:41 AM
Hi. No thoughts? I was really hoping to get some opinions.
Allan Black
October 20th, 2024, 10:58 PM
Hi David. I watched your film, a dark subject for sure but the acting, photography and editing are very good. I read your English subtitles, sometimes with short fast alternating ethnic dialogue, they’re hard to follow but yours are ok.
The lighting and music are good, but from a constructive opinion point of view, here’s a couple of points. At the very start, there’s a distant shot of a lone cabin in a forrest, but soon the nasty Colonel refers to “in the village.” Also at the start, I’d have put a date
Eg: ‘Sometime in the 2040s’ or ‘Sometime or the near future’’ to establish a timeline for the viewers. In a situation like this when I see blips like that, it slightly colours my opinion but that’s just me. If you’re entering it in a film festival best of luck.
Thanks for posting.
Andrew Smith
October 21st, 2024, 12:31 AM
I've only had time to briefly click-sample through it.
How do people manage to still procure cigarette's during a disaster or apocalypse period? It's one of those things that are a mystery to me. But hey. :-)
David Evans
October 27th, 2024, 06:18 AM
Hi David. I watched your film, a dark subject for sure but the acting, photography and editing are very good. I read your English subtitles, sometimes with short fast alternating ethnic dialogue, they’re hard to follow but yours are ok.
The lighting and music are good, but from a constructive opinion point of view, here’s a couple of points. At the very start, there’s a distant shot of a lone cabin in a forrest, but soon the nasty Colonel refers to “in the village.” Also at the start, I’d have put a date
Eg: ‘Sometime in the 2040s’ or ‘Sometime or the near future’’ to establish a timeline for the viewers. In a situation like this when I see blips like that, it slightly colours my opinion but that’s just me. If you’re entering it in a film festival best of luck.
Thanks for posting.
Hi Allan
Thank you for taking the time to watch this AND writing about it. Very interesting points. I understand the one about the village and the idea was that it was the "closest village" but you make a very good point.
About the date at the start, I was trying to make it ambiguous. Since it starts with a definition of nuclear winter, I thought maybe it's just enough to plant the idea this takes place after a nuclear war and everything else would be set by dialogues. I know it's risky to do it like this, but this was actually on purpose. These kind of decisions ultimately work or fail according to the public reaction so thank you for point that out!
Allan Black
October 27th, 2024, 05:01 PM
No problem David, what are your plans for your movie? If you’re planning on entering it in film festivals, please let us know.
Good luck with it.
David Evans
October 29th, 2024, 07:33 AM
We're in to our first year of film festivals with this film. We've won a few awards and had our international premiere at Comic Con San Diego. For 21min genre short film is not doing bad at all. Let's hope it grows and finds the right festivals.