View Full Version : A couple of parades shot in 4K

Doug Jensen
November 13th, 2023, 05:17 PM
I've shot two VERY different parades on the same streets of Orlando in the last couple of weeks, One was a Pride parade and the other was a Veteran's Day parade last Saturday. Both were a lot of fun to shoot, but I can definitely tell I am not a spring chicken anymore. A couple of hours shooting one of these parades in the heat and humidity of Florida and I'm wiped out. I remember when I could run around all day with a camera on my shoulder and hardly break a sweat.

If you haven't shot a parade, go out and give it a try. Lots of fun.

This one was shot with my Sony Z750.
Pride Parade

This one was shot with my Sony FX6 and 24-70mm lens.
Veterans Day

Bob Safay
December 1st, 2023, 06:24 AM
Great video clips. Beautiful color and camera movement. I know what you mean about feeling a little tired after shooting. At 74 I think I'm slowing down a little. Whenever I purchase a new piece of equipment, I check out its weight first. Haaa getting old is a bitch but it beats the alternative. Keep filming and posting, I love your stuff. Question, have you tried submitting any clips shot in the vertical format? Bob

Doug Jensen
December 2nd, 2023, 02:15 PM
Vertical video?? Never!!!
Mark my words, I will NEVER shoot vertical video. Not going to happen. :-)

Gary Nattrass
December 3rd, 2023, 03:11 AM
Just say NO to vertical video:

Bob Safay
December 4th, 2023, 06:17 AM
That was a funny video about vertical videos. Thanks. Doug, like you said in your course on "Stock videos". I didn't want to "leave any money on the table". I thought vertical would sell on Shutterstock and Pond5.

Doug Jensen
December 4th, 2023, 03:23 PM
Yeah, funny video and right on the mark. Too bad it is 11 years old and we still have idiots shooting vertically.

It's interesting that the new Blackmagic Cam app for my iPhone allows you to shoot horizontal video while holding the camera vertically. That is genius. So, if you want to pretend to be a ignorant consumer shooting vertical video -- while actually shooting professional-quality stock -- now you can blend right in. Some day that is going to pay off. I've been kicked out of enough locations to know the power of being stealthy. Disney World, here I come.

Bob Safay
December 7th, 2023, 07:52 AM
Doug, I get the feeling you don't like vertical. Anyway, I'm planning a trip to Merritt Island In either Jan or Feb depending on the birding. Maybe we can hook up again. I promise no vertical shooting! Bob

Doug Jensen
December 7th, 2023, 07:03 PM
Hey Bob, I don't know if the birds will be around, but I should be. Definitely let me know when you're coming. FYI, no birds right now. Nothing.

You might want to time your visit to join the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival at the end of January. I've helped them with some free video work in the past but I'm not sure if they'll need my help this year or not. Even if you don't want to offciailly participate you can get some good ideas for places to go if you look at their available field trips.