View Full Version : Epiphan Pearl Family - Live Video Production Encoders

Gary Bettan
November 3rd, 2023, 09:54 AM
Epiphan Pearl Family - Live Video Production Encoders
On Today's Videoguys Live, Gary is joined by Nic Milani, Epiphan Video, to discuss the Pearl family of encoders and how they can fit into your live video production.


Andrew Smith
November 4th, 2023, 02:28 AM
Can't pick what it is, but there is something not quite right about the audio quality on your stream. It's like there is a bit of data dropout or similar audio garbling happening.


Christopher Young
November 6th, 2023, 08:02 PM
I guess there is a demand for these sorts of units. Limited in my field of work, though.

Agreed. I downloaded the clip to get a better listen to it. The audio is over modulated and pretty heavily compressed and hard clips at 0 dB. Out of curiosity, I ran the audio through Sound Forge and ran its audio through "Clipped Peak Restoration" at -6 dB without limiter, which made it more pleasant to listen to. Once audio is clipped, though, you'll never recover it.

If I just need the H.265 recording side of things, not the streaming, I'll just use the Atomos Ninja V H.265 option. Works well.

Chris Young

Andrew Smith
November 6th, 2023, 09:32 PM
This is the thing, the people doing the demoing (and hopefully selling) of this stuff are the ones that do the absolute worst demos. Never mind that the room echoes, the lighting and the chroma key is terrible and you're almost yelling despite having microphones.

You wouldn't think it was professional gear they were selling, let alone targeting a pro audience. If anyone is going to gut-react badly to this sort of thing, it's us.
