View Full Version : What Happened to DV Info

Chuck Spaulding
April 24th, 2023, 09:50 AM
Because my life took a bit of a different direction, it’s been about four years since I last visited DVI. What happened? Doesn’t seem to be very active.

Craig Seeman
April 24th, 2023, 04:14 PM
Facebook. The proliferation of Facebook Groups.
To a lesser extent, YouTube posting on specific topics, and people post questions to the creators there.

Andrew Smith
April 24th, 2023, 08:55 PM
I'm still always around and check daily. Probably lots who merely lurk.

It's possible that a lot of the technology pain points have been migrated through over time and there is now less to complain about. That said, I don't think I would ever give up on DVinfo and the gems that you come across here.


Dave Baker
April 25th, 2023, 12:35 AM
Prety much the same as Andrew says.

I believe a lot of it is that many people who would have bought a camcorder and would have needed help here or elsewhere, now use their smart phones and that is good enough for them.

In my case, I have learned much from you folks and simply don't have the need to ask like I used to, although I still log in every day.

Luke Miller
April 25th, 2023, 08:22 AM
In my case, I have learned much from you folks and simply don't have the need to ask like I used to, although I still log in every day.

Same here.

One thing that has happened in my case is my still cameras have become more capable video cameras than my JVC LS300 cameras. So rather than upgrade my video cameras my video work has mostly migrated to them. My questions are now answered on the still camera forums.

Boyd Ostroff
April 26th, 2023, 05:34 AM
I'm still here and check in regularly. But I just don't shoot much video anymore. And I think the main thing that happened was smartphones. Sure, people are still using dedicated video cameras, but almost everyone is carrying around a 4k camera on their phone and that is good enough for most.

But I don't think that much has changed in the last four years as the OP suggested. Things were already getting very slow around here by 2019.

Andrew Smith
April 26th, 2023, 04:52 PM
Smartphones are certainly the new "good enough" but they're no good for photo journalism of an escaped lion. For lots of things you want a good lens to be able to zoom in with.

Now, more than ever, audio quality is paramount to easily separate yourself from the amateurs with.
