View Full Version : Need Sound (Moving) Bankets? Look No Further
Bill Hamell November 5th, 2005, 01:01 PM If you are looking for Sound (Moving) Blankets look no further than Movers Supplies.
I ordered a bundle (12) yesterday 11/04/05 3:35pm and they arrived today 11/05/05 1:00pm that’s less than 24hrs. ! At a cost of $12.41 per blanket shipping included.
Sure beats the $35 to $46 each without shipping I was finding at the film suppliers and at the lowest shipping price listed. I thought this was a mistake and commented on it. They replied that it was correct and I would get them Monday (Next Business Day) to my surprise Enterprise delivered them today.
These are the premium heavy weight (6.9lbs.) blankets blue\light blue in color; quality is good I need to add the grommets. You do not find this level of service very often these days.
Site information.
The Home Page
All the Blankets
The ones I bought
I have no interest in Movers Supplies other than a very happy customer.
As always YMMV.
Bob Costa November 6th, 2005, 11:02 PM Weight 84 pounds? Yikes, what did shipping cost?
Bill Hamell November 7th, 2005, 03:38 AM (Home Delivery (1 days)): $29.08
Rob Dunford November 8th, 2005, 03:46 AM Hi
I read your post and thought to share my own experience about sound blanket alternatives. I had to do a shoot in Spain this year and the interiors were the worst, stone built no carpets and no furniture. I was advised by a studio guy to try out polyester duvets. So I brought along a few for the shoot. We had some moveable frames made up and use tywraps on the corners to secure them. All said I found the duvets provided an excellent echo reduction in just about every situation. I did some tests and if I only placed 2 duvets behind the camera facing the actor I could reduce the echo delay to really acceptable figures. I am not that technical but the difference was enough to prove their worth. I also used these vacuum bags to transport them around. the studio guy told me that duvets had better physical properties 'pound for pound' so to speak. Their uneven surface was a major factor and the polyester filling was another.
Rob Dunford
Bill Hamell November 10th, 2005, 02:42 PM Rob,
Well, the first thing I had to do was look up “duvets” now I know what you meant. :-)
I can see where they would work; the blankets I bought are much thicker thus heavier. If I travel I could definitely see the advantage of using duvets.
Can you describe the “moveable frames” you used? What they were made of , how were they constructed? I was thing of using 1/2” black pipe to make T-Stands, sturdy, however not easy to travel with.
Rob Dunford November 11th, 2005, 03:26 AM Hi Bill
I should have realized that 'duvet' is a very European word, glad you found it's meaning. In the UK they come in several sizes from 7' square upwards. The kind I used were not heavily filled with the polyester filling, they are also washable. The frames we made up were out of wood actually, the corners were strengthened and feet were added. The DoP loved them because he used them sometimes to bounce light around, if he didn't want that I just draped some grey cloth over them. If I really got into it again I would punch eyelets along the sides and make something a bit more user friendly. I don't know the technical side of sound absorption, so maybe there is someone on the forum would could test the frequency absorption of various materials. I have been warned that with blankets, if they are too flat they can still bounce frequencies around. I liked the duvet idea and saw its benefits for me, I would have taken blankets as well to cover surfaces and as floor covering, but time, money and transport was limited.
I hope this helps further.
Brian Maier December 8th, 2005, 02:19 AM Just curious if that shipping price you got was a limited time thing or was that normal? The cheapest shipping I can find for the same blankets you bought is $43 parcel post.
Bill Hamell December 8th, 2005, 02:54 PM To the best of my knowledge it was a normal price.
I did not use a coupon or get any discount.
I just went through the normal shopping cart system.
Added: I went to the site and added them to the shopping cart after signing in when asked how I wanted it shipped that same price was there.
I cannot say why it does not show for you and you are on the same side of the country, it does not make sense to me.
Brian Maier December 8th, 2005, 03:43 PM If you dont mind me askin what is your zip code? Wondering if you are just closer to one of their distribution centers.
Bill Hamell December 9th, 2005, 02:29 AM I'll send you an email.
Brian Maier December 9th, 2005, 02:55 AM Yep, you must just be really close to the shipper. I was able to get the price you listed at your zip. Oh well.
Bill Hamell December 9th, 2005, 08:52 AM My error I thought they were in California however they are in New York just two and a half hours away.