View Full Version : UWOL 64 Tales of wonders and woes

Trond Saetre
September 7th, 2022, 11:43 AM
As always, interaction between the players is encouraged.
The good, the bad, the ugly... What goes great, what did not go as planned, and everything in between, about the making of your UWOL64 films.

Remember the ultimate goal and purpose of UWOL:
To push your own limits, to improve your own skills as film makers.
And of course to have fun at the same time.

Don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions.

Pay special attention to rule 11: Have fun!

Kevin Railsback
September 14th, 2022, 04:08 PM
Been thinking about ideas for the theme.
Nothing really stands out just yet.

Had a surgical procedure today so it値l be a couple days before I知 back on my feet so hopefully an idea will gel while I知 taking it easy

Trond Saetre
September 15th, 2022, 02:18 AM
Hoping for a quick recovery, Kevin!

Haven't done any filming so far. Ditched a couple ideas... Still plenty time.

Geir Inge
September 16th, 2022, 09:45 AM
Been thinking about ideas for the theme.
Nothing really stands out just yet.

Had a surgical procedure today so it値l be a couple days before I知 back on my feet so hopefully an idea will gel while I知 taking it easy

Best of luck in your recovery, Kevin.
Then I hope you find a suitable idea for your video.
I myself have some challenges in finding a suitable idea.
It seems to be a tricky topic this time.

Good luck everybody.

Paul Mailath
September 16th, 2022, 06:13 PM
my timing already sucks - I forgot about the comp till today and just found the theme. Luckily I have an idea that just might cover it

Trond Saetre
September 17th, 2022, 01:14 AM
Seems like the trick this round is to have a bad timing, Paul, haha.
Good to hear you already have an idea.

Roger Van Duyn
October 29th, 2022, 12:55 PM
Talk about timing being bad. Hurricane Ian came through here September 28th and the site where I was going to film, Circle B Bar Reserve is STILL CLOSED. It suffered major flooding and it took more than two weeks for the water level to go down enough before the county could get equipment into the reserve to begin clearing all the downed trees. In fact, my entry in UWOL 63 was filmed there, and the spot where I was standing in the video on Alligator Alley, had become part of Lake Hancock, along with almost all the rest of the reserve. The county has issued updates saying they expect to reopen CBBR in another week or two.

In the meantime, I've been hiking through other locations in my area that are at least partially open, scouting locations and taking photos. The first place the paper mentioned as being open had the gate still locked and sign saying closed due to hurricane, so I went to another one. Places I've visited until CBBR opens include Fort Frasier Trail, Tenoroc Management Area (I had to climb over downed trees blocking the trail several times there), Holloway Park, Peterson Park, Lakeland Highlands Scrub, Se7en Wetlands, and Fletcher Park. Yes, I spotted alligators at all of them, just not nearly as many as are found at CBBR.

Though Hurricane Ian made a mess of my video plans, my house only suffered minor damage. Many families in Florida lost their homes. More than a hundred people in Florida lost their lives to Ian.

Trond Saetre
October 29th, 2022, 01:55 PM
That was really sad news, Roger. Glad your house only had minor damage.

I have filmed a little here and there for my own entry, but never got enough footage to complete a film with the ideas I had. Bad timing, I guess.

Roger Van Duyn
October 29th, 2022, 02:48 PM
On the bright side, exploring these other sites have been quite the adventure. At Tenoroc, the trail was blazed with spray painted markers on some of the trees. However, one of the downed trees I came across was one that had the blaze markers on it. The way the tree broke off, and fell, made it impossible to use the markers to tell which way to go. So, I did a 180 degree to find the next trail blaze, since the trail was so overgrown there was no way to tell which way to go. Of course, there was no danger of becoming lost in the woods since I had Google maps on the phone, a compass, and could see one of the access roads just off the trail. That whole hike was a real wilderness experience for me. The only places where there was a sign the trails had been used by anyone were where the hiking trails merged with the horseback riding trails. Horseback riders had been there recently, and the trails were packed down where they'd been. But it looked like I was the only hiker who'd been there at least since before the hurricane. At times I was wishing I'd brought my machete to help hack my way through. I was also really on the lookout for rattlesnakes.