View Full Version : UWOL 63- Watch the films here

Trond Saetre
August 1st, 2022, 02:37 AM
Here are the submitted films for the 63rd Under Water, Over Land challenge, theme "Virtual postcard."
Well done and thanks to those of you who managed to submit an entry!

Please make your feedback threads, and include the link to your film in your own thread.

Everyone watching:
You are all encouraged to provide feedback to the individual films, and of course participate in the future challenges.

Please submit your votes to**by Sunday, August 7, 2022 - midnight wherever you are.

Next challenge:

Signup opens: August 15, 2022
Theme release: September 1, 2022.
Deadline: Sunday, October 30, 2022, midnight wherever you are*(notice 2 months challenge )

Watch and enjoy:

Atlanta Botanical Gardens, by Bob Safay
UWOL#63 "Atlanta Botanical Gardens" by Bob Safay on Vimeo

Hiking in Hardanger, Norway, by Trond Saetre (this entry is excluded from judging)
UWOL63 "Hiking in Hardanger, Norway" by Trond Saetre on Vimeo

My Florida retirement, by Roger Van Duyn
UWOL63 My Florida Retirement by Roger Van Duyn on Vimeo

A Virtual Postcard from the Amazon Rainforest, by Philip Murray
UWOL63 "A Virtual Postcard from the Amazon Rainforest" by Philip Murray on Vimeo

Postcard from the mountains, the valleys and fjords of Norway, by Geir Inge B. Brekke
UWOL#63"Postcard from the mouintains, the valleys and fjords of Norway" by Geir Inge B. Brekke on Vimeo