David Dalton
April 22nd, 2022, 06:05 AM
I'm using a XF200 and for the first time yesterday I decided to try 4 channel audio recording, with 1 external mic. I was hoping to obtain one stereo track and a mono track. When I take the clips into Vegas Pro I see only 2 tracks although the clip properties state 4 channels. Were my hopes beyond expectation?
Graham Bernard
April 22nd, 2022, 09:43 PM
I'm using a XF200 and for the first time yesterday I decided to try 4 channel audio recording, with 1 external mic. I was hoping to obtain one stereo track and a mono track. When I take the clips into Vegas Pro I see only 2 tracks although the clip properties state 4 channels. Were my hopes beyond expectation?
Hiyah! There’s an option in Preferences to allow importing Multi Audio Channels. See my attachment. Give it a whirl.
David Dalton
April 23rd, 2022, 04:48 AM
Thanks Graham. That's worked. Now I know what to do in nthe future.
Graham Bernard
April 23rd, 2022, 05:04 AM
You’re welcome. If you haven’t done so far, do download the VegasPro Users Manual. I got the above from VP18 Manual. 600 pages of valuable reference and research.
David Dalton
April 25th, 2022, 10:15 AM
There's a lot to catch up on with the recent releases. In this case I wasn't sure if the problem was in my camera settings or elsewhere.
Graham Bernard
April 25th, 2022, 10:39 AM
Well, being a “student” of variables, it could, of cause, could’ve been both: Your camera AND elsewhere, and here that could've been VegasPro. Variables, variables, will be the death of me. 😱