Trond Saetre
February 1st, 2022, 05:11 AM
Here are the submitted films for the 61st Under Water, Over Land challenge, theme "Details".
Well done and thanks to those of you who managed to submit an entry!
Please make your feedback threads, and include the link to your film in your own thread.
Everyone watching:
You are all encouraged to provide feedback to the individual films, and of course participate in the future challenges.
Please submit your votes to by Sunday, February 6, 2022 - midnight wherever you are.
Next challenge:
Notice 2 month challenge
Signup opens: February 12, 2022
Theme release: March 1, 2022.
Deadline: Sunday, May 1, 2022, midnight wherever you are
(The March, June and September 2022- challenges will be 2-months)
Watch and enjoy:
Along the path, by Paul Mailath
UWOL 61 Along the Path by Paul Mailath on Vimeo
An Eye for Detail, by Mick Jenner
An eye for Detail by Mick Jenner on Vimeo
The Dirty details of Winter Wonderland, by Trond Saetre (this film is not part of the judging)
UWOL61 - The dirty details of winter wonderland by Trond Saetre on Vimeo
Snowshoing, by Geir Inge
UWOL61 SNOWSHOING by Geir Inge on Vimeo
Well done and thanks to those of you who managed to submit an entry!
Please make your feedback threads, and include the link to your film in your own thread.
Everyone watching:
You are all encouraged to provide feedback to the individual films, and of course participate in the future challenges.
Please submit your votes to by Sunday, February 6, 2022 - midnight wherever you are.
Next challenge:
Notice 2 month challenge
Signup opens: February 12, 2022
Theme release: March 1, 2022.
Deadline: Sunday, May 1, 2022, midnight wherever you are
(The March, June and September 2022- challenges will be 2-months)
Watch and enjoy:
Along the path, by Paul Mailath
UWOL 61 Along the Path by Paul Mailath on Vimeo
An Eye for Detail, by Mick Jenner
An eye for Detail by Mick Jenner on Vimeo
The Dirty details of Winter Wonderland, by Trond Saetre (this film is not part of the judging)
UWOL61 - The dirty details of winter wonderland by Trond Saetre on Vimeo
Snowshoing, by Geir Inge
UWOL61 SNOWSHOING by Geir Inge on Vimeo