Renton Maclachlan
December 6th, 2021, 12:30 AM
I'm doing my first project in Vegas 18 and am finding frustrating.
Things seem to happen all on its own. I've had
Tracks all suddenly minimise...without me initiating it a far as I know,
Tracks shorten in length.
A photo disappear...don't know where it has gone,
Difficulty at times dragging an image or whatever from project Media to a time line..wouldn't drag or went to the wrong place,
Zoom in and out from the mouse wheel far more rapid than on any other version used,
Sudden appearance of blue on the time line...presumaly a loop region selection indication, but not one initiated by me...that I am aware of,
Sudden jumping of cursor to beginning of project,
and a few other things...
As you can imagine, frustrating...
Nothing like any of these things have ever occurred on my earlier versions...that I remember...
I'm doing my first project in Vegas 18 and am finding frustrating.
Things seem to happen all on its own. I've had
Tracks all suddenly minimise...without me initiating it a far as I know,
Tracks shorten in length.
A photo disappear...don't know where it has gone,
Difficulty at times dragging an image or whatever from project Media to a time line..wouldn't drag or went to the wrong place,
Zoom in and out from the mouse wheel far more rapid than on any other version used,
Sudden appearance of blue on the time line...presumaly a loop region selection indication, but not one initiated by me...that I am aware of,
Sudden jumping of cursor to beginning of project,
and a few other things...
As you can imagine, frustrating...
Nothing like any of these things have ever occurred on my earlier versions...that I remember...