View Full Version : 250 SP Removing all items from LCD

Jerel Peterson
September 24th, 2021, 10:30 AM
Yes, now I have another problem.

On my 250 SP (sport overlay scoreboards), the LCD is always showing the network icon (upper right), the 'A' for automode (bottom) and 'standby' (top center).

It didn't have these items showing previously, but now I can't get them off. The 'Display' button either turns everything on, or everything off (except these 3 items). I've been looking through the manual for how to turn these off. I found something for the network icon that I thought would turn it off, but it didn't.

Why are these items showing and how can I turn them off? They are included in my outgoing HDMI so they are in my webcasts.

Jerel Peterson
September 24th, 2021, 11:42 AM
Lorenzo White called me and showed me how to fix this. Since this wasn't a problem 2 years ago, I must have done this in the past on my own, but completely forgot about it.