View Full Version : Am I ruined? (FCP)

Kalil Jalili
November 4th, 2005, 08:02 AM
Hi People!

I had about an hour of footage, I captured them in FCP. It took me one week to edit and have a nice 7 minute short film. But before exporting or converting the film, I accedintly deleted the original one hour footage. I am left with FCP file. If I cature it again, will my edit stay the same? Another issue is that when I was capturing, it stopped and I started over for 3 times, so I got it in 3 files wich I don't know where they stopped and where finished.

thank you

Stephen Schleicher
November 4th, 2005, 08:24 AM
If your original tape has clean and consistent timecode you should be golden when recapturing your media. I have done this hundreds of times without a problem.
