View Full Version : M6 Mark II Manual vs Auto Exp Video

Nick Mirro
May 4th, 2021, 10:00 PM
Hi all. Am shooting 4k on a gimbal. Have been using Manual mode to keep the shutter speed at 1/60th.

However... exposure correction is then done automatically by ISO/gain (set to auto) and I don't know what the setting is minute by minute.

The gimbal limits my ability to adjust the camera on the fly. The Weebil S does control the camera but things happen too fast.

ALSO... the camera doesn't warn when over or underexposed. No flashing of shutter speed. I usually use a neutral density just to be safe and hope for the best.

So... are there serious downside to letting the camera adjust the exposure itself? Will it choose an awful shutter speed that will drop the quality?

Thinking... Canon is so good at optimizing, would life be easier to just trust the camera to set a good exposure?