View Full Version : Online Tutorials

John Locke
December 17th, 2001, 12:39 PM
Hey Chris,

I remember awhile back somebody suggested you put together some tutorials online. Stuff like "different methods of shooting in low light" and such.

Got to thinking, why make you do all the work? Why not dish out weekly assignments and just see what responses and video samples pour in? Then, you could grab the ones you like and compile them into a mondo collection of tutorials.

I imagine lots of us are ready to go out and try some testing, just need a little guidance from the guru.

"Watcha thank?" as we say in the Panhandle.

Chris Hurd
December 20th, 2001, 12:10 PM
It's an outstanding idea, John... will have to wait until after the holidays (first of the year) to explore and develop.

Adrian Douglas
December 21st, 2001, 09:28 PM
This is John, he's and ideas man.(See Australian movie The Castle if you don't know what I'm talking about, and be prepared to laugh, a lot.)

I've got a bit of extra time next year, and would love to help. Could maybe even make an interactive CD-ROM version using Director.

Could be a good intro to the program for you John