View Full Version : Combo mic channel strip

Greg Miller
August 19th, 2020, 10:46 PM
I'm trying to help a friend set up for a specific project. After lots of discussion between us, we've reached a point where we are looking for a specific single piece of hardware. This will not necessarily be the final choice, but we are curious to find something like this for the sake of evaluation and comparison.

Without my going into a long explanation why, and without discussing pros and cons of a combined unit vs. separate units (note we are not making a final choice here, just want to compare options) ...

Can anyone mention or recommend a single unit with the following features: mic pre, compressor, harmonic synthesizer (like the Aphex-originated processing), and similar bass "enhancer"? We've looked at the Aphex 230, but would like some other options for sake of comparison. Also, we need only one channel, in case this combination is available in a mono channel strip. (i.e. we don't need two channels like the 230 has)

This does not need to be feature film quality audio. Think more in terms of teleconference quality. Does not need a -96dB noise floor nor response flat to 30kHz. Please don't limit your suggestions because of "golden ears" considerations. (Yeah, I am not terribly keen about saying that ... but that's the reality. Helping this friend will be better than turning up my nose and not helping.)

Thanks for any "short list" entries you can suggest.

Meanwhile, stay safe!

Allan Black
August 21st, 2020, 08:42 PM
Greg. There was some discussion about the Aphex 230 and alternatives on a while ago. Search Aphex 230.
