View Full Version : A complicated question on Lumix GH5, to get good shots in Africa

Adriano Moroni
April 8th, 2020, 08:11 AM
Hi, I would like to ask a somewhat complicated question, hoping to receive answers from those who have a lot of experience with the GH5.
I just took my usual doc in Africa using the GH5 in manual as always, but I got junk in the colors. Yet I use first-class cosse, such as the gray rolling filter, the gray card for the White Balance, etc. I use the "Natural" option and remove the contrast and color at -2 and then manage them in post. Unfortunately when I shoot in every country but not in Africa, I get very good results but not in Africa, where there is an incredible sun and red earth. I only film in african villages. Maybe manually I don't perfectly match the shutter speed and aperture because I often don't have the right time. Or maybe the real problem is another.
Maybe something escapes me. In my country I always do many tests that I then try to implement in Africa too. But every time I come with poor results in the clips, perhaps because I often don't have the right time to sort everything before shooting and I have to shoot quickly.
My questions are

Is it possible to film with aperture priority with the GH5?
Is there such a possibility? I have always used the GH5 in Manual and even reading the manual, I cannot find this option that I would like to choose.

I attach a link of one of my clips in UHD: luckily not all clips are like this, but many are like this:

In your opinion, could I get good results with this Settings and also put the ISO in Automatic?
1000 thanks

Hugh DiMauro
April 14th, 2020, 09:28 AM
Forgive me but I am having difficulty with your issue. The GH5 is an amazing camera and I have always had excellent results in manual mode, cinelike D and manual white balance. However, the white balance can be tricky when you want to capture the gorgeous, blazing reds of the sunset, in which case I set the white balance to the "daylight" preset which captures the reds beautifully. I hope I've been able to assist.

Pete Cofrancesco
April 14th, 2020, 11:40 AM
The short answer is cameras are not as good at capturing reds. When you dig deeper the science of color is more complex.
In layman’s terms a video/photo of a sunset is never as spectacular as viewing it in person.

I’m guessing filming raw and color grading it would yield better results albeit substantially more work...

Adriano Moroni
April 14th, 2020, 04:14 PM
I’m guessing filming raw and color grading it would yield better results albeit substantially more work...

Raw is hard for me and expensive too because I have to buy an external device. I'm thinking to buy V-Log. Do you know it? Did you ever use it?
Thank you for your suggestions!

Pete Cofrancesco
April 15th, 2020, 08:12 AM
Sorry I haven’t.

Doug Jensen
April 15th, 2020, 01:34 PM
Raw is hard for me and expensive too because I have to buy an external device. I'm thinking to buy V-Log. Do you know it? Did you ever use it?
Thank you for your suggestions!

I've never shot with a GH5 but I love using V-LOG with my S1H. RAW recording would be overkill. The S1H does 4K 10-bit 4:2:2 at 400 Mbps Full Frame -- and that is plenty good enough.

BTW, you really need to learn how to control exposure and white balance on full manual or else you will never get consistently good results.

This video was shot entirely with V-LOG and internal recording.
Panasonic Lumix S1H Demo Footage Part 2 - Gators & Birds in 4K on Vimeo

Adriano Moroni
April 15th, 2020, 05:11 PM
The video is is incredibly wonderful. I thank you to share. Couls you tell me what Lumix S1H has more than GH5? In your opinion could I do good video with V-Log and GH5 too?

Out of curiosity: how much more time do you need to grading a clip with slight dominant colors that a click made with V-Log?

Is it possible to reac at 50p and 10 bit with V-Log?
Thanks again one.

Doug Jensen
April 16th, 2020, 09:41 AM
The main difference to me is that the S1H has a full-frame sensor while the GH5 is only micro 4/3. That right there is enough to keep me away from the GH5. The S1H does everything that GH5 can do, plus much more. It matches and exceeds in recording specs, color science, image stabilization, viewfinder resolution, timcecode in/out, V-LOG, low light performance, dual-ISO capability, 6K, 4K @ 60p, battery life, and the list goes on. Also, the color science integrated into the S1H is inherited from the professional camcorder lineup of Panasonic which instantly puts it in a different league.

If you want more info about why I think the S1H is in a league of its own -- here's another video. Take a look at my list of benefits of the S1H and see how many the GH5 can match.

Doug Jensen's Panasonic Lumix S1H Master Class - Trailer on Vimeo

Doug Jensen
April 16th, 2020, 11:19 AM
Just one more thought. I didn't mean to derail this thread and imply that you need an S1H to shoot great video. The GH5 is a perfectly capable video camera and i've seen some great video from it at a school where I teach workshops in the summers. It doesn't meet my needs, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good camera. It is more important for you to master the GH5 (that you already own) by learning to shoot with full manual exposure, manual white balance, etc. than it is for you to invest in a new camera. A better camera will not automatically provide better results. Mastery of the camera you already own and improving your skills at operating it is much more important than getting a new camera. And cheaper!

Mark Williams
April 16th, 2020, 05:59 PM
The S1H is definitely a step up and I envy Doug's footage. I think Doug could get great results with about any main stream camera. There is a learning curve to the GH5 which I have been using for several years. You can check out my video channel for results albeit we don't shoot in the same environments or topics.

Adriano Moroni
April 17th, 2020, 05:05 AM
But can S1H shoot in 50p 10bit? I'd like to understand it.

Doug Jensen
April 17th, 2020, 05:38 AM
The S1H is definitely a step up and I envy Doug's footage. I think Doug could get great results with about any main stream camera. There is a learning curve to the GH5 which I have been using for several years. You can check out my video channel for results albeit we don't shoot in the same environments or topics.

Mark, your videos are always excellent and prove that the GH5 is a perfectly capable camera in the right hands. Your new "Exploring your Backyard" video is a great example.

Doug Jensen
April 17th, 2020, 05:45 AM
But can S1H shoot in 50p 10bit? I'd like to understand it.

Yes, the S1H can do 10-bit 50p and 60p.

Adriano Moroni
April 17th, 2020, 06:21 AM
You can check out my video channel for results albeit we don't shoot in the same environments or topics.

Your videos are always excellent too. Couls you tell me which lens do you use to take those shots?

Hey, I know there are 14 stops of dynamic range when shooting in V-Log with S1H, do you lnow how many stops there are with GH5 and V-Log?
How many stops without V-Log? I'm curious about it.

Mark Williams
April 17th, 2020, 07:02 AM
Thanks, I regularly use the Panasonic 12-60 3.5-5.6, the Olympus 75-300 and the Olympus 60mm 2.8 macro.

Doug Jensen
April 17th, 2020, 07:19 AM
Hey, I know there are 14 stops of dynamic range when shooting in V-Log with S1H, do you lnow how many stops there are with GH5 and V-Log? How many stops without V-Log? I'm curious about it.

Sorry, I have no further information about the GH5.

Pete Cofrancesco
April 17th, 2020, 08:30 AM
You should hit up Youtube there are many videos reviews of vlog. I’ve seen a lot of negative things said about it. The problem with all cameras they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Other cameras that are going to have better color are going to be more expensive or have other compromises.

Doug Jensen
April 17th, 2020, 08:39 AM
Keep in mind that V-LOG will perform differently on different Panasonic cameras, just as S-LOG will perform differently on different Sony cameras. So take any negative comments with a grain of salt. You need to look at who is saying it and what camera they are using. I can't say anything about V-LOG on the GH5, but I can assure you it looks beautiful on the S1H. Probably because the S1H shares DNA with the Varicam LT and EVA-1 rather than the lower-end mirrorless cameras.

Adriano Moroni
April 17th, 2020, 10:18 AM
I can only say this: everyone advises me to use V-Log with the GH5 but then when I ask if they are using it, everyone answer with no. Boh! I'd like to buy this V-Log but first I have to listen to someone who uses it with the GH5.

Pete Cofrancesco
April 17th, 2020, 11:41 AM

It’s also hard to see the issues since youtube is highly compressed but you should get the gist. Seem most useful for retaining highlights but as you can see it’s value and results can vary widely for each person.

Doug Jensen
April 17th, 2020, 12:56 PM
Geez, I really don't want to waste my energy on this stuff, but dumb videos like "Why you shouldn't buy V-LOG". produced by morons who clearly don't have a clue cannot go unchallenged. Pete, why would you even re-post such crap?

First of all, he is stupidly trying to grade V-LOG in Premiere and then announcing V-LOG is no good. A little like putting gasoline in diesel engine and then declaring the gasoline is no good. Premiere is a great editing program . . . with some crude color grading tacked on. If you are going to shoot in V-LOG then you must grade in Resolve or some other professional-caliber grading program. He has not done that, even though he admits what I just said is true towards the end of the video. So he's shooting down V-LOG when he knows he's not even using the right software. Premiere is simply not setup for serious grading, especially if you are then going to announce your finding to the whole world as if you had credibility.

Second, he offers no information about his workflow in Premiere, the base LUT he is using as a starting point, how he is manipulating the footage, and nothing at all about how he is even exposing V-LOG and white balancing onboard the camera. All of that is critical information if we are to place any value on his opinion that V-LOG is "really, really bad". So even within Premiere someone else might get better results than he is getting. We don't know because he doesn't provide any information.

Third, he says . . " It doesn’t happen as badly in 10-bit footage but the 8-bit footage is really bad."
Wow!! Once again revealing himself to be a moron. Nobody should be shooting any kind of LOG in 8-bit. So he's really shooting down V-LOG based on using it with 8-bit footage and then doing a half-assed grade in Premiere. Nobody who knows anything about grading LOG uses it with 8-bit.

Third, he says "If you are an Adobe user, you cannot edit on the 10-bit footage at all. It just doesn’t play, you get all this weird stuff sometimes. It wil have like a split screen of the same clip twice. It just looks really weird. It doesn’t play properly at all. Which is really Adobe’s fault."
This patently false. I edit 10-bit footage everyday on my MacBook Pro with V-LOG, non-V-LOG, S-LOG, Hypergamma, Sony 16-bit RAW, etc. with no issues with playback. He obviously has some kind of problem with his own computer or setup. Most likely he is not using an HDD or SSD that is capable of playing 4K footage smoothly. I would wager he's using stupidly usingthe internal HDD or SSD on his Mac for storing media files.

Fourth, 10-bit footage and 8-bit footage should have exactly the same payback performance when all other things are equal. He he probably using a higher bit-rate codec when shooting with a 10-bit codec, which may account for the poor playback. In other words, Bitrate is actually the root of his trouble and not 8-bit- vs.10-bit color. But either way, he shouldn't have trouble with either one if he had a proper hardware setup. How is that the fault of the GH5?

Fifth, he says "I'm just not liking Adobe. Tons of crashes and all that."
That's funny, because I'm running the latest version of Premiere and it is rock solid. I cannot even remember the last time it crashed. And even if Premiere did have stability problems, how is that the fault of the GH5? He needs to do a serious overhaul of his hardware setup in post before casting stones at the GH5.

Would he still shoot down V-LOG if he graded 10-bit footage with the correct LUT and other workflow steps in Resolve? I'm betting that his opinion would be 180 degrees different if he knew what he was doing. The blind leading the blind.

I have no idea if V-LOG looks good on the GH5 or not because I haven't used it myself, nor have I spoken to anyone I trust who has. But one thing is for sure, I certainly am not going to give any credibility whatsoever to this moronic review from someone who gets so many things completely wrong.

Pete Cofrancesco
April 17th, 2020, 01:57 PM
Glad you pushed back I didn’t post it to misinform. I don’t have any specific knowledge working with log or vlog with the Gh5 but yeah you do have to be careful with youtube. I think the first video is a bit more realistic what you can expect, meaning log isn’t a magic wand takes proper process and knowledge. More to the point without seeing the op footage it’s hard to really know whether something is wrong and whether vlog would actually fix it.

Adriano Moroni
April 18th, 2020, 12:52 PM
Just one more thought. I didn't mean to derail this thread and imply that you need an S1H to shoot great video. The GH5 is a perfectly capable video camera and i've seen some great video from it at a school where I teach workshops in the summers. It doesn't meet my needs, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good camera. It is more important for you to master the GH5 (that you already own) by learning to shoot with full manual exposure, manual white balance, etc. than it is for you to invest in a new camera. A better camera will not automatically provide better results. Mastery of the camera you already own and improving your skills at operating it is much more important than getting a new camera. And cheaper!

Out of curiosity: S1H captures more information at either end of the luminance range even without V-Log than GH5? If it so, it is easy grading in post. Right?

Doug Jensen
April 18th, 2020, 01:56 PM
Like I said earlier, I have never used a GH5 so I cannot comment on how it's performance compares to the S1H.

Adriano Moroni
April 21st, 2020, 01:53 AM
Hello, could someone tell me if GH5 as well as recording in rec. 709 can record in rec. 2020. I ask this because I'd like to edit and export rec. 2020 which is more modern and gives more colors. Even my TV allows it.

In the various menu options of the GH5 I can't see this possibility: does it exist?
Thank you.

Keith Rollinson
April 21st, 2020, 07:13 AM
As answered on another forum for you, the closest you'll get on the GH5 is to record in HLG.
Here's a link to the owners manual - hope this helps:

Adriano Moroni
April 21st, 2020, 07:39 AM
I'm sorry but that link doesn't work.

Keith Rollinson
April 21st, 2020, 08:17 AM
Try this:
Or search, via Google, for "GH5 owners manual" - lots out there.

Adriano Moroni
April 21st, 2020, 01:16 PM
I thank you for the link, but the manual makes me nervous and I can't read it.. ;) id you read about "Luminance Level". If I rec in 25p 10bit, what luminance level do I have to choose? I'm noticing that it is explained very well in the manual. ;)

Do you know if GH5 shoots in Rec. 709 only?

Ronald Jackson
April 22nd, 2020, 02:04 AM
This filmed in Africa, via a GH5 (and a Lumix 100-400). Kruger Park, South Africa a couple of years ago.

Straight off the SD card and I bet there are those out there who could tweak a few improvements "in post".


ps don't watch as I usually do via Apple Safari as it won't play 4K YouTube. Watch via Google Chrome.

Adriano Moroni
April 22nd, 2020, 06:14 AM
Straight off the SD card and I bet there are those out there who could tweak a few improvements "in post".

I downloaded that file and I liked to put it on Edius 9 to edit it but Edius doesn't see that file, why?

Ronald Jackson
April 22nd, 2020, 07:43 AM
I downloaded that file and I liked to put it on Edius 9 to edit it but Edius doesn't see that file, why?

No idea Adriano. I didn't know you could download the actual video file from YouTube. As for Edius, I'm a FCPX (sort of) man.


Hugh DiMauro
December 17th, 2022, 12:21 PM
Mr Jensen, I watched your Birds and Gators footage. Nicely done! If I could afford it, I'd have an S1H but I still love my GH5 and GH5s and will probably stick with those. Plus, I have a lot of M43 l3nses to which I'm married.

Doug Jensen
December 17th, 2022, 12:38 PM
Thank you, Hugh. Fortunately for you, the GH5 is a very nice camera that still compares well to newer models.