View Full Version : What to do when a bit glum!

Paul R Johnson
April 1st, 2020, 06:54 AM
Well - my mum's been taken back into hospital this morning - bit distressing with all the ambulance guys in masks, glasses and gowns. She was discharged Covid free yesterday but got bad again in the night. Can't go with her, as hospital doesn't allow any visitors at all.

So - finished off the studio revamp wiring - putting in the video feeds and the ATEM mini I bought. Couldn't;t think what to do, so loaded up the Spitfire Audio British Drama Toolkit, hit record and just played - came out a bit sad, but to be honest, I am. Anyway - the results seem pretty OK. All works, and I've discovered that Zoom is quite happy using the ATEM output as a camera source. That might be useful.

For any music minded folk - the BDT VSTi is a Kontakt instrument that works a bit strangely. The volume you play at, changes the instruments - so in the sample here - you can see that there are 3 different types of sound - playing loud uses one, while the others respond to lower volume/gentler playing. I included the BDT window so you can see and hear how playing harder crosses the sound change levels. Hopefully you can hear how it responds in the video. Took my mind off things too.

One take - no fixing bum notes or altering anything - exactly as played, so you can hear AND see where I played too hard or too light. It's a great instrument for people wanting drama type music in the British style.

I included a couple of photos so you can see how the kit was laid out.

Rick Reineke
April 1st, 2020, 11:05 AM
Sorry to hear of the virus hitting your family Paul. Hopefully the situation will get better soon. I am staying away from other folks as much as possible in the USA COVID-19 epicenter New York City.

Steven Digges
April 1st, 2020, 08:11 PM
Hey Paul,

First I must say sorry your Mum is ill. The world is a difficult place to understand right now.

Second, when I first read: Spitfire Audio British Drama Toolkit, I thought, I don't have one of those in my audio kit but I want one, whatever it is! So I watched the video and I'm still confused. I have never claimed to be an A1. I also am not a musician. To show my ignorance I will say I still don't know if a Spitfire Audio British Drama Toolkit is your keyboard or the recording software?

Thought that might make you smile. Ether way I no longer want a Spitfire Audio British Drama Toolkit in my kit. I have told many young trainees "If you don't know what it does leave it alone!" But a Spitfire Audio British Drama Toolkit sure sounds cool. Maybe I will throw some obscure widget into my audio kit. Then every time someone asks what it is I will say "It's a Spitfire Audio British Drama Toolkit. Don't you have one?" They will all shut up on the spot!

Be Well Paul. My Best to Your Mother!


Paul R Johnson
April 2nd, 2020, 12:07 AM
It’s a kontakt instrument so a sample based VSTi I’m using it in Cubase. The keyboard is just a kontakt master keyboard that has the browser function from Cubase built in which saves so much time. When you have lots of samples you see a title like ice mountain and press the button ten seconds later you get something you hate and have to start again on the next one. With thousands you tend to use ones you’ve used before. This system allows you to hear little snippets of each one before loading, best feature ever!

What makes it an unusual package is that how hard you play changes the sample you hear. No fiddling with controllers. Each preset in old terms brings in say strings woodwinds or combinations that if you play quietly could be a bunch of flutes chattering right on the edge of being a real note. Play a bit harder and they change to maybe bassoons and then harder again you get a plot flute or clarinet. You have to learn how to play a bit differently but for music for video it’s really useful and interesting. Not much good for normal songs I guess but not really what it’s for.

Paul R Johnson
April 29th, 2020, 01:50 PM
Well - since I posted this topic, Mum's died. As I mentioned, she went back into hospital and didn't make it. Tested positive and breathing got worse and worse, until they couldn't give her any more oxygen. To be honest, I think she was glad to go - she hated the fuss and bother, but just very sad.

So I decided to do something to keep busy. Record some songs - just for fun.
I plonked some cameras around the studio - and pointed them vaguely. You might find them interesting - they're just a way to pass the time - no other purpose.


Careless Whisper - YouTube


Donald McPherson
April 30th, 2020, 02:40 AM
What can one say? Just hold on all those happy memories.

Brian Dollemore
April 30th, 2020, 02:51 AM
My deep sympathy, Paul. So good that you can find some solace in your music.

Paul R Johnson
April 30th, 2020, 07:03 AM
Thanks chaps!

The funeral director said something - after ten or so years, the memories of those we lose get watered down a bit, and by twenty years we've forgotten so much - he said your mum can't be forgotten because she was one of the Corona victims - and people will always remember that, which is actually comforting, I think.

It's all very strange isn't it!

Rick Reineke
April 30th, 2020, 09:35 AM
Sorry for you loss Paul.
I recently lost a cousin and a music biz friend tp COVID-19 complications.

Bryan Quarrie
April 30th, 2020, 10:10 AM
Sorry to hear your loss, Paul.

Keep strong.

Oren Arieli
April 30th, 2020, 12:24 PM
Very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. My sincerest condolences to you and your family. I hope that staying busy helps you heal. May her best memories remain with you always and give you strength when you need it.

Patrick Baldwin
May 1st, 2020, 02:25 AM
My sincere condolences Paul.

Dave Baker
May 1st, 2020, 02:28 AM
Please accept my condolences too.

Paul R Johnson
May 1st, 2020, 02:51 AM
Thanks guys! Appreciated.