Paul Mailath
March 28th, 2020, 07:55 PM
It's easy to feel isolated ATM but it moght be worth reaching out to others in the industry to see that they're okay. In the last couple of days I've talked to 3 mates who shoot for a living just to find out what they're doing, how they're feeling, what their plans are.
We might be isolated physically but let's connect in other ways.
Roger Gunkel
March 29th, 2020, 06:56 AM
Good idea Paul :-)
Although we have no work and no income, we are waiting for the government to come up with some payments in June, although we have applied for unemployment support (Universal Credit) in the meantime.
We are taking the opportunity to get the garden sorted, jobs around the house and totally revamping the office/editing suite.
Inspite of only being allowed out of the house for essential food shopping, one exercise walk or urgent medical reasons, I have instigated a daily 45 minute workout to keep up my physical fitness, and am currently spending about an hour per day learning and improving on my old schoolboy French from over half a century ago. I am also looking at ways to add to our video and photography offerings when things eventually get back to normal.
Keep healthy everyone.
Doug Jensen
March 29th, 2020, 09:10 AM
Every shoot and every training gig I had between now and July has been cancelled or postponed indefinitely. But a nice thing about having stock footage operation is that I don't have to wait for clients to call or look for something to do. There is always something new to shoot or footage on the HDD waiting for processing. I can always be as busy as I want to be. I'm kind of looking forward to the break.
Bob Safay
March 30th, 2020, 02:11 PM
Doug, glad to hear your ok. Like you I have been happily uploading clips to shutter stock. It is one of the few things that helps me keep my sanity. Unfortunately I had to cancel two trips to the gulf coast. These are interesting times we are living through. Be safe. Bob