Anthony McErlean
April 9th, 2020, 05:51 PM
So sorry for your loss Paul.
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Anthony McErlean April 9th, 2020, 05:51 PM So sorry for your loss Paul. Josh Bass April 9th, 2020, 06:26 PM That’s awful. Sorry to hear. Pete Cofrancesco April 9th, 2020, 07:26 PM Paul I’m sorry to hear the bad news. Remember your not alone. Danny O'Neill April 30th, 2020, 02:25 AM Postponements now right through until September. Just put my songfreedom subscription on hold and a few other bits like that. No point in paying when I have no need for them. Paul R Johnson April 30th, 2020, 07:04 AM I've not renewed my public liability insurance - no public to keep safe and while not a lot, everything helps with zero income. Peter Rush April 30th, 2020, 09:48 AM I created a live Zoho calendar and sent a link to all my couples to refer to this when rescheduling. So far only 1 couple has cancelled, and the rest (up to August) have rescheduled to 2021. I feel this is the best way at least they can pick a date they know I am free rather than throwing a date at me I can't do and me losing the wedding Peter Rush April 30th, 2020, 09:49 AM I've not renewed my public liability insurance - no public to keep safe and while not a lot, everything helps with zero income. Same here - and my Soundstripe was up for renewal in April - decided to wait on that as well David Barnett August 7th, 2020, 12:50 PM Well this was weird?? After years of the business, struggling for leads etc, I always kinda was a weekend warrior, I made the decision recently to stop. For a time, a long time (year?). Haven't advertised in ages anyway. Just now I get a call, 'Hi etc etc' Him: "Do you do 8k weddings?" Me: "8k?" (Could've been more prepared to say yes, but Im not sure I can commit to such an upgrade, secondly pricing...) Him: "Yeah" Me: "No, I do not" Him "4k?" Me "Yes I do" Him " How many frames per second?" Me "60" Him:: "Uhm, ok. Can we bring our own camera?" Me "As in, like I'll shoot on it and then edit it?" Him "Yeah, like you frame the shots and all" Me: (Realizing this might be a bad road to go down with a client while I'm considering checking out of the industry) "Uhm, could I ask when the wedding is?" Him "In November" Me (Being honest) "Uhh I think I'm not shooting weddings this year." Him "Ok" I ended up giving him a phone # to someone I know who's pretty good & does good cinematic work, I just don't know that that's a client I want to work with. Years ago, like 2014 I was asked about 4k, when it was brand knew, and I said I don't & bride replied I needed to keep up with the times etc. 8ks a bit too early, and its not just a camera its a computer to edit it. Strange, kinda late to be booking a high priced video for a wedding, although I'm sure plenty are looking for jobs. (I work in video streaming now/webinars, been here for about 2 years, so I'm content here). Wayne Faulkner October 6th, 2020, 07:15 AM We're a company that has been in existence a couple of years, we're called Deaf Sports Media, and provide a Live and Recorded Service to Deaf Sport. Since all sport was cancelled on 23rd March we've had no business at all, but have this week had a potential booking, for 7th November, for a Deaf Basketball Final, that was postponed in April. Now, Disabled Sport is exempted under the England, United Kingdom, rule of 6 people, so the event can take place under the previous ruling of no spectators and 30 people, including athletes, coaches, and officials. The issue we have is when both teams of 12, their coaches, and officials are counted, that brings the total up to 30 already, what about us? Now I understand that Live Media coverage of Elite Sport is given exempted Key Worker status under the Covid Laws here, so maybe we don't need to be included within the total of 30 people, but we're having trouble confirming this with anyone, and not only that, along with Social Distancing and transmission of virus prevention, there's some 14 day isolation clause post event, that if applied to us would make life a bit difficult. I realise this is not a cancellation (unless we're forced to do it ourselves), and its specific to England, UK, but does anyone know a link for definitive information on this exempted Key Worker status? All new to us, and a Google doesn't bring anything up that is legally definitive, particularly as we could as a company be subject to a £10,000 fine for breaching Covid Legislation. Any help you guys can give on this we'd appreciate it. Boyd Ostroff October 7th, 2020, 09:15 AM Since you are concerned about a legal issue where the wrong decision might have serious consequences, have you considered consulting an attorney? Paul R Johnson October 7th, 2020, 10:35 AM Wayne - are you a member of BECTU? Or even if not, they're a pretty decent union for TV, broadcast and events, and I bet they would be able to give you the definitive answer you need. |