View Full Version : Best format to render for sharing

Renton Maclachlan
February 14th, 2020, 03:04 AM

I've mentioned in the past the video project I've been working on for ages is now finished. Now I want to share it with a few select people to get their recommendations regarding it (if they so desire), so I can put such recommends on the DVD case cover, and various advertising.

I plan to share it via Dropbox or Google Drive (which has been recommended to me), or such like, so am wanting to render out to the best format for doing this. MPEG2 seems to be the way to go, but I wondered if anyone could advise on which would be the best format out of the render options in Vegas Pro.

I did a trial render using 'MainConcept MPEG-2 > DVD Architect PAL Widescreen video stream', but as I have never been this way before, don't know if it is the best way to go.

The whole project in .avi come to 70.7GB, so as I believe Google Drive has a 15GB free option, I thought it would be nice to get to that size or under.



Adam Stanislav
February 14th, 2020, 08:13 AM
Personally, I would use Handbrake to convert it to an MP4 file of the desirable size.

Renton Maclachlan
February 14th, 2020, 01:02 PM
What is Handbrake? OK, I found out about it...

Seth Bloombaum
February 14th, 2020, 03:31 PM
Good recc from Adam. Handbrake creates state-of-the-art h.264/mp4 files that are most compatible across all devices at this point in time.

There’s been more than a few posts on HB you could search on this forum. The only change is that HB now also offers h.265 encoding, which in the future will gain importance for resolutions above 4k. Yes, they’re coming at us fast!

Renton Maclachlan
February 14th, 2020, 05:29 PM
So... if I went with Handbrake, what would be the best format to convert to? I have absolutely no clues regarding these. I rely completely on recommendations.

Paul R Johnson
February 15th, 2020, 01:34 AM
Seth mentioned H264 - which renders out as mp4 files which seem to be the most universally friendly and sensibly sized format at the moment.

Renton Maclachlan
February 15th, 2020, 03:42 AM
Thanks. Will look at it tomorrow... appreciated...

Patrick Tracy
February 15th, 2020, 08:25 AM
I generally render directly from Vegas Pro 14 to Sony AVC/MVC Internet 1920x1080-30p. My last video was 3:03 and 303 MB. It's the format that seems most compatible with YouTube.

Renton Maclachlan
February 15th, 2020, 08:30 PM
Well...I downloaded Handbrake and converted all the files over to H 264...easy enough, though I couldn't see how to do a batch conversion. 70.7GB got reduced down to 1.8GB so I can go on the free version of Dropbox...

Seth Bloombaum
February 16th, 2020, 11:25 AM
Handbrake’s default settings are pretty good, as you’ve discovered.

There is a batch function. Instead of “Start”, select “Add to Queue”. When you’re ready, you can review what you’ve set up with “Show Queue”, then, “Start Queue”.

It’s also one of the fastest encoders out there! I can’t say enough good things about Handbrake, excepting it’s batching is not as state-of-the-art as the rest of it!

Renton Maclachlan
February 16th, 2020, 08:04 PM
Thanks Seth. I saw there was a batch function, and tried it several times, but only a single file ever came I just converted the files one at a time...

Patrick Tracy
February 17th, 2020, 03:54 AM
What I've done to get batch convert to work is:

1. Go to File -> Open Source -> click Folder (Batch Scan) -> navigate to source folder -> click Select Folder button (folder will be scanned for files)

2. Open Title dropdown menu -> select file

3. Click Browse button -> navigate to target folder -> name file -> click Save button

4. Repeat 2 and 3 for each file

5. Click Start Encode button

In other words, I manually add each file to the queue and name the new file then batch process the queue. I don't know if there's a quicker way to do it.

Renton Maclachlan
February 17th, 2020, 01:14 PM
There's button on the start screen for either a single file or (can't remember the words) batch of files. When pressing the latter, it scanned all the files but only insert the first one into the queue.... so I did them all individually. And the conversion was fast!

I really like the Google Drive type of thing. Delivery of my project to various people for review and recommendation is going to be so easy. I sent a link to myself to see how it works, and the files play really really well on my phone. First time ever I've seen any of the files on my phone. Looks very good...even though I say so myself!!

Am thinking now that rather than deliver on DVD first, as I was intending, that I will deliver first online somehow. Means that it can be set up to be seen very quickly and easily for online viewing. Have to find a way of doing this for pay... but have to get the recommendations first...


Adam Stanislav
February 18th, 2020, 10:28 AM
Am thinking now that rather than deliver on DVD first, as I was intending, that I will deliver first online somehow. Means that it can be set up to be seen very quickly and easily for online viewing.

In that case, please make sure to select Web Optimized in the Handbrake Output Settings. That will allow the viewer to start watching the video while it is still being downloaded.

Renton Maclachlan
February 18th, 2020, 01:32 PM
Thanks for that. I didn't do that with conversion I've already done, but it seems to play OK. I did notice a slight pause at one point but not sure if that is related to this.


Pete Cofrancesco
February 18th, 2020, 09:52 PM
I believe web optimized is only important if you’re hosting on your own website, service like Youtube will stream regardless.

Btw a few months ago I uploaded a long video for a client on Dropbox. Client contacted me and said it stopped playing. Apparently there’s 15 minute preview limit . Imop Vimeo is the better solution while Dropbox strength is downloading.

Renton Maclachlan
February 21st, 2020, 03:38 AM

I've gone with Google Drive as it has 15GB free as opposed to 2GB for Dropbox.

Re file conversion, I am now looking at paid download as my initial means of delivery, and need to explore the best format for this to be in. While the format I have on Google Drive is ok for viewing and review etc, I'm not sure it will be the best for download purchase. Any thoughts by anyone would be appreciated.


Seth Bloombaum
February 21st, 2020, 02:46 PM
This is just a thought:

Paid download? How about one-time paid subscription? Here in the US Pacific Northwest I see younger folks, say, in their 30s, cheerfully forking over for one-time and recurring subscriptions, as well as pay-per-view.

I’m not involved in such currently, and I don’t know how that would or wouldn’t support your business model. I think Vimeo is now offering some PPV plans, where they provide the paywall.

Renton Maclachlan
February 21st, 2020, 11:40 PM
Thanks Seth

Well... I don't really have a 'business model'...I just have a product I want to get out in the market, and am wondering about ways to do this.

I've checked with an IT friend who does websites etc (did done one myself 20 years ago for another product) and have asked him about options.

Suitable domain names are available .net, .nz, though I haven't moved on any of those yet.

But a product specific website is easy. It is the method of remuneration for delivery of the product that I'm inquiring about most at the moment. I don't really know all the options. It is straightforward with a physical product, ie DVD boxed set. Somewhat different with a digital download.
