View Full Version : Disabling 4 channel audio import?

Robert Garvey
February 3rd, 2020, 08:29 PM
Hi forum,

I recently upgraded firmware to my new Pana CX350 and now the HEVC files give me 4 channel audio.

Great except I rarely use 4 channels and usually only 2 have actual audio.

What is really annoying about this new feature, is that now every track I drag onto the Vegas timeline automatically opens up 4 tracks of audio. So I am constantly having to delete 2 channels so that I have enough real estate to actually see my timeline video!! I do have a largish 34'' 4K monitor and it is still a problem.

Any chance there is some way in Vegas to disable 4 channel import?


Christopher Young
February 4th, 2020, 12:27 AM
Haven't tried it with HEVC Robert but the following steps work with a few cameras and only the first audio tracks come in. Select Options then Preferences while holding down the Shift key. Make sure you are holding down the Shift key when you select Preferences. A new tab called "Internal" will appear. Select that tab then search for "so4" and change the illustrated entry from TRUE to FALSE and see if this sorts the problem.
If it works with the new Panasonic let us know.

Chris Young

Doug Jensen
February 4th, 2020, 08:39 AM
I don't use Vegas, but in Premiere it takes two clicks to strip off any unwanted audio tracks from all the clips in a bin at once. Surely Vegas must have something similar?

Robert Garvey
February 5th, 2020, 02:37 AM that tab then search for "so4" and change the illustrated entry from TRUE to FALSE and see if this sorts the problem.
If it works with the new Panasonic let us know.

Chris Young

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the information.

I did try the above but it did not disable the 4 track import.

I did get in-touch with Panasonic and suggested an 'option' for 2 or 4 track in next firmware update. They did link me to previous firmware, so I may just roll back to that (supported 2 track only).

Thanks for the help.