View Full Version : Streaming Haiku

Andrew Smith
October 20th, 2019, 06:00 AM
Perhaps not technically correct haiku, but still it was spotted in the comments section on the YouTube video "Adam Ruins Everything - The Awful Truth About Cowboys"

I can handle the adds
I can take the buffers
But when ads buffer
I suffer



Chris Hurd
October 20th, 2019, 12:24 PM
Amusing, but wrong...

Haiku is five, seven, five

Thank you for posting.

Chris Hurd
October 21st, 2019, 08:13 AM
Haikus welcomed here,

but all replies must post in

proper haiku form.

David Barnett
October 21st, 2019, 06:01 PM
This is my attempt

I may be wrong or right

I gave it my best

Chris Hurd
October 21st, 2019, 08:18 PM
I gave it my best

Missing syllable

From second line yields rebuke!

Worthy effort, though.