View Full Version : Reverberation Fixes

Don Palomaki
July 31st, 2019, 08:05 AM
The recording is in the can. Too late to get better mic placement for this event's recording. The narration has excessive room reverberation and new voice-over is out of the question. (But the music can be dubbed from original source recordings.)

What, if any, software have folks found useful for lessening room reverberation effects on spoken material e.g., like wedding service recorded with on-camera mic about 12' from the people speaking in a mid sized room (about 20' x 20' with a 12' ceiling).


Chris Hurd
July 31st, 2019, 08:46 AM
Howdy Don,

I had a somewhat similar situation many years ago, and I really didn't "fix it" but I managed to make it sound a lot better using a Parametric EQ.

That was back in the analog era and it took some effort to track down the equipment. Luckily, the local sound guy in town was the son of a favorite film school professor, so I had a way in.

Since it's all digital these days, it might be easier to accomplish. There's this:

(Sorry about the video not actually embedding with a workable player; that's a forum software issue that I'm aware of and am working to get fixed -- in the meantime you'll have to click through to YouTube).

Hopefully the more learned of audio among us here will have some input for you that's much more useful.

Paul R Johnson
July 31st, 2019, 11:56 AM
Izotope rx-7 does it quite well, and if it's a rescue the $400 plug in will help. Don't know anything else with the same reputation - the Isotope repair range is comprehensive and useful.

Josh Bass
July 31st, 2019, 01:05 PM
Zynaptic unveil (de-verb software) at least used to have a free demo. Maybe still do. It has limitations like resetting every ten minutes or something and you cant save but you could find workarounds if what youre doing is simple enough.

Boyd Ostroff
July 31st, 2019, 01:42 PM
I've used SPL De-Verb Plus from Plugin Alliance several times and it helps but certainly isn't a magic fix. I think you get a two week free trial, so it's worth checking out (if compatible with your software). Worked for me in Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro on the Mac, but their site says it's also PC-compatible.

Andrew Smith
July 31st, 2019, 05:38 PM
Not only is Izotope RX7 awesome, it has a specific "dialogue de-reverb" tool that is extra optimised to protect the nuances of vocals compared to the already excellent "de-reverb" tool.

In fact, with typical conference room recordings where I have a lav mic on the speaker, running de-reverb is one of my favourite ways of enhancing the audio.
