Chris Hurd
July 26th, 2019, 04:41 PM
Just wanted to say that I'm aware of the problem (of Vimeo and YouTube video links not embedding in a workable player). Hope to have a fix for it soon. It's pretty important to me that it works properly, so I'm sure it's important to you too. Will announce here when it's repaired.
Chris Tangey
August 2nd, 2019, 09:32 PM
Good one Chris
Chris Hurd
August 5th, 2019, 01:21 PM
I have Vimeo embedding working again... for now.
To see some examples, please go to this thread:
Hope to have YouTube embedding restored soon as well.
Chris Hurd
August 5th, 2019, 02:50 PM
Some progress. YouTube links are now properly embedding, as long as you're using the full link from the URL bar and not the shorter "share" version. For an example, see this thread:
I hope to have the shared YouTube links working soon.
Chris Hurd
August 5th, 2019, 03:08 PM
Another fix now in place is the ability to select full screen display from the embedded clip controls.
Works for both Vimeo and YouTube.
Chris Hurd
August 5th, 2019, 03:59 PM
Aaaand... done. Short-form "share" links for YouTube (i.e., are now embedding properly.
Clip container width enlarged from 720px to 960px.
Scratching this one off as *completed.*
Thanks for your patience, everybody!
Paul R Johnson
August 6th, 2019, 05:23 AM
I bet you're relieved now - this is the kind of stuff site owners never get credit for, but lots of complaints! It's appreciated.