View Full Version : Shogun cannot pass audio through HDMI

Warren Kawamoto
May 19th, 2019, 01:25 AM
I'm using a Macbook with Keynote, I'm using it to show slides and video in a meeting. Plugged into the Macbook is a thunderbolt 3 to HDMI adapter. I have an HDMI cable from the adapter into the Shogun, and another HDMI cable from the Shogun to an LED display or projector. I want audio to pass through the system. If I play music or video from the laptop, I can see the audio meters moving on the Shogun, and I can record it. However, the audio doesn't pass through to the LED display or projector. Is there something special I need to do to allow the audio to pass through the entire chain? If I connect the HDMI from the laptop directly to the display or projector, audio passes through. So the roadblock appears to be the Shogun. I've tried playing with the audio settings on the Shogun without success.

Nick Mirro
September 28th, 2019, 09:06 PM
I really think these recorders only record and display well. Other features are poorly implemented. Since this is an old post, you may have already tried using the headphone jack as the audio source.

My Inferno is not much better. Nothing comes out of the HDMI out. Audio playback channel selection is not retained so you have to adjust it for each and every video you review unless your camera output happens to match the default.

Ron Evans
September 29th, 2019, 06:01 AM
Not sure about the SHogun but for my Ninja V the default audio is set to the mic input which would carry through as the output too, sothe actual audio input on the HDMI input is recorded or output on channels 3/4. The solution is to reset the default to channel 1/2 for the HDMI input. At least that has worked for my Ninja V.

Nick Mirro
September 29th, 2019, 10:23 PM
I cannot see a way to reset the audio channel default on this Inferno. Can you tell me where it appears in the menu?

Ron Evans
September 30th, 2019, 06:12 AM
Not sure how it will be on yours as OS has changed with the Ninja V but with the Ninja V if you touch the audio meters the full meters will be displayed and then one can select which channels get recorded. By default the analogue channels are selected . Touch the record button underneath the channels to select or de-select channels to record. I deselected the analogue channels and then selected channel 1/2 which is what most TV's etc will want to play.

Ron Evans
September 30th, 2019, 07:12 AM
I found this for you

Nick Mirro
September 30th, 2019, 03:04 PM
Thank you Ron! That really got me on track. Now I understand the whole Audio menu on the Inferno. I appreciate your help!